3 weeks ago • Imitative Photography

Long time royal photographer Anwar Hussein, who we've covered in a previous video on this channel, has an exhibition coming up! The Princess Diana Accredited Access Exhibition is running from May to September in London and May to June in Sydney. 

You can find more info here: 

4 weeks ago • Imitative Photography

Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying the latest video. Just wanted to give a heads up to those in the London area: Giacomo Brunelli is actually hosting a photowalk and workshop this May 17! 

If you want to learn from the man himself and gain some valuable insights into taking a project from ideation to shooting to publishing and exhibiting then this is your chance to learn from someone with ample experience in all those areas.

Details and registration here:  https://www.giacomobrunelli.com/workshop 

6 months ago (edited) • Imitative Photography

Hey everyone, hope you've enjoyed the latest video. One book that has been invaluable in the making of it was Thyago Nogueira's "Daido Moriyama: A Retrospective" . 

Moriyama published over a hundred photobooks and magazines over his career, but if you want a high level overview (without sacrificing depth) I can't recommend it enough. It has one of the most detailed published biographies of Moriyama, along with several essays contextualizing his work.

Like many retrospective photobooks, it's published in concert with an exhibition on the artist. If you're in London, you're in luck! The exhibit will run until February 2024.

Here's more info: 

6 months ago • Imitative Photography

New video dropping soon! Can you guess the photographer? 

11 months ago (edited) • Imitative Photography

In my video on Trent Parke some of you were dismayed at how his early photobooks like Dream/Life go for over $1000 on the used market. Well, Parke is releasing a new book called MONUMENT which includes some of his early work for the relatively low price of £75, and the publisher just opened up preorders for a second printing.

Based on the previews it seems to have a very high build quality.

You can find more info here:  https://www.stanleybarker.co.uk/products/monument 

Disclaimer: I am not being paid to promote this. Just thought I'd give a heads up to those who are not already aware. The first printing sold out in 7 hours! 

1 year ago • Imitative Photography

Here's a teaser/clue of the next famous photographer I will try to imitate. Can you guess who it is? 

1 year ago • Imitative Photography

Can you guess whose photography I will try to imitate in my next video?