1 year ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

Hey everyone - it has been a while! 

After 7 months of retiring from the food industry and sticking my head first in the NFT industry, I still get A TON of ppl emailing me…

How to start a restaurant, whether XYZ is a good idea, or if the PRO Academy/Foodiepreneur’s Finest would be a good fit for them…

I’ve been thinking deeply recently about how can I still help them even though I’ve stepped away from trade?

Well the answer became clear to me…

I’ve decided to just release both my paid courses: The Profitable Restaurant Academy & Foodiepreneur’s Finest out for FREE on my youtube channel. 

Learn more here:  https://youtu.be/IQWrFxS3S5c 

2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

hi frens it has been a while!

hope all is well in your food biz journey.

last week I had the privilege to be a speaker
at Gary Vayernchuk's conference (Veecon) 
and even meet the man himself!! 

he is an incredible entrepreneur and person who I look up to!

wanted to hop by to let you know that
in my new web3/nft life
i’m thrilled to partner up with 
my good fren Eric Siu,
founder of Single Grain blog (350k visitors/mo) and 
Co-host of Marketing School podcast (2M listens/mo)…
for a new podcast called Creators of Web3

every week we share 
the stories and lessons of
being NFT founders...
our take on big news of the week...
and have other star web3 creators on.

so if you’re interested in nfts and web3,
listen to the first 2 eps below 👇


P.S. in June I have an update for you 
food entrepreneurs that you will LOVE!
P.S.2 thank you those who have stepped up to
assist other budding food entrepreneurs! I see it ;) 

2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

hi frens it has been a while...

this is the last new video you'll see on this channel:  https://youtu.be/Pg9QrIHLSUw 

much love and thank you for the past few years ♥️


2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

hey frens! Just a quick update...

last week my wife and I welcomed a healthy baby boy to our family :)!

for the next little while there won't be any new new videos but clips of some of my most important tips and insights on how to build a great food business. 

as we go into 2022, it is a good time to really think about how you want your 2022 to be like. 

Is it the year that you actually start your food business? Or the year you actually get serious and take your food business to the next level?

as always - my free videos here on youtube are a great starting point

BUT if you're truly serious about your food business, then my mentorship programs with step-by-step guides are available for you. 

whichever route you take...i hope you're ready to kill it in 2022! happy holidays! 

2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

hey frens some big news...

my wife is expected to have our second child any time now...

SOOOO you may notice that for the next little while you'll see some old videos make a return! 

They will be on some crucial tips and learnings that you should pay attention to as we all think about 2022. Just because the video may have been shot in 2020 or 2019, it doens't mean the tip about understanding your location or your numbers isn't relevant! 

Cause the most common mistakes and reasons a food business fails is cause the core business foundations are all wonky.  

If you are trying to get a hold of me, just know that my response will most likely be delayed :)

Keep killing it!


2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

It's hard to build a successful restaurant. You have to be an expert in so many different areas, from cooking and managing people, to marketing and accounting…

I know what you're thinking - "There must be some easier way 😢” 

The good news is that there is! 

I’m hosting a free live masterclass that’ll show you the exact formula that I used to build my 7 store ice cream chain and then had it acquired. It is also the same formula other food entrepreneurs are using to build their restaurant and food businesses. This isn't theory; it's all stuff that has worked for us time and again. ​​

👉 Sign up for my free masterclass on Oct. 26th 5PM PST here: ​​ https://wkl.theprosacademy.com/masterclass-yt 

2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

👀 Are you wanting to open a restaurant, cafe, boba shop or a storefront food business…but you just don't know how??

The process is confusing and so overwhelming. There's so much to do! And even if you manage to get all the pieces together, there are still too many things that could go wrong. And when things go wrong…that could be easily $20,000 or $50,000 down the drain…

But as always, I’ve got your back 😄!

I’m hosting a free LIVE masterclass on Oct. 26th 5PM PST to share with you my proven 3 step formula on how to build a successful and profitable food business - the same one I used to build my ice cream shop and how others have used to build their restaurant business. 

And at the end of the masterclass, there will be a Q&A segment that you can ask me your burning questions!

👉 Sign up for the free masterclass here:  https://wkl.theprosacademy.com/masterclass-yt 

2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

Your food business doesn't EXIST if you don't have an Instagram presence.

Yep I'm not kidding. 

👉 Watch why:  https://youtu.be/mxAmi3rsWSU 

2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

[LAST CHANCE] To gain a competitive advantage by using the same proven tactics McDonald’s, Starbucks, Domino’s and Shake Shack uses!

If you want to unlock your customer’s mind…

Save time and money by learning what the top dogs in the food industry are doing…

Increase sales by applying their tactics to your food business..

Take your marketing strategy to the next level with these proven hacks…

Then the Food Marketing Labs is a special treat for you. With a special database of 140 psychological frameworks and tactics, you’ll be able to uncover how the biggest food brands in the world get customers to buy from them again and again and LOVE them. 

Just imagine how eye-opening it would be to have the same marketing tactics McDonald’s or Starbucks uses to selling BILLIONS of dollars of food every single year. 

Best of all...some tactics are simple to implement RIGHT AWAY. 

Just imagine if one of the tactics ends boosting your sales by 5%?

How much is that worth to your annual revenue? 

That pays for the Food Marketing Labs in 10 folds. 

And today’s the LAST DAY (Sept 26) you can get Food Marketing Labs for 25% OFF. 

👉 So head over to here to get it now before the deal expires:  https://gumroad.com/a/691410035?utm_content=wilsonklee 

2 years ago • Wilson K Lee - How To Open A Restaurant / F&B Shop

Did you know that McDonald’s, Starbucks, Domino’s, and the Shake Shacks of the world use jedi mind powers to get people to buy from them and love them more?

Jedi mind powers like…
Taking out the dollar sign on their menus…
Ending their pricing with 9 or a 5…
Overloading their site with deals so you get tired enough to spend more…
Purposely have 3 sizes so you choose the more expensive one…
Use rewards systems so you buy from them more often…

And many many more mind tricks…that’s you’ve probably fallen for.

The problem is that we aren’t taught these “tricks”. These “tricks” are actually proven psychological frameworks like…
The Cashless Effect
Cognitive Overload
The Decoy Effect 
Occam’s Razor
Or Gamification

The biggest food brands in the world use these frameworks every single day to build their empires. 

And it is us small food businesses who are completely blind to these and having to use other strategies that may not be proven to work. 

That means we have to spend our limited time and money. 

But instead of continuing to leave small food businesses in the dark, I’ve partnered with my friend Michal to create the Food Marketing Labs, a database of 140 psychological frameworks that those giant food brands are using! 

That way you too can come to the dark side (it is all ethical so don’t worry), use the same proven strategies they are for your own food business. 

For just a limited time (until Sept 26th), you can get the Food Marketing Labs database for 25% OFF. 

👉Get the Food Marketing Labs here:  https://gumroad.com/a/691410035?utm_content=wilsonklee