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A jovial painting, or a warning? | #SHORTS | National Gallery #art #nationalgallery #history
This painting has a secret that everyone misses | #SHORTS | National Gallery #nationalgallery #art
What does falling in love sound like? | #SHORTS | National Gallery #art #nationalgallery #valentines
The dark horse of Renaissance painting | #SHORTS | National Gallery #history #nationalgallery #art
'Would you write her story?' | Hayley Atwell and Jessie Burton | #SHORTS | National Gallery
Frans Hals ✨The musical ✨| #SHORTS | National Gallery #art #nationalgallery #painting
Hayley Atwell and Jessie Burton's Artists on Artists | #SHORTS | National Gallery #nationalgallery
Céline Condorelli: Pentimenti (The Corrections) | #SHORTS | National Gallery  #nationalgallery #art
Creating Character: Artists on Artists | #SHORTS | National Gallery #artist #nationalgallery
The only surviving double portrait | #SHORTS | National Gallery #nationalgallery #history #art
Frans Hals's earliest genre painting | #SHORTS | National Gallery #art #nationalgallery  #painting
Frans Hals's most famous portrait | #SHORTS | National Gallery #art #nationalgallery #history
From Frans Hals to Van Gogh I #SHORTS I National Gallery #art #nationalgallery #artist
Could you be a National Gallery Digital Creator? | National Gallery #SHORTS
How Frans Hals transformed portraiture | #SHORTS | National Gallery #art #nationalgallery #history
How do you design a gallery room? | #SHORTS | National Gallery
Picasso and Rodin: Facing Abstraction | #SHORTS | National Gallery
#SHORTS Why is this demon sprouting serpents? | National Gallery
#SHORTS Why do artists sign their works of art? | National Gallery
#SHORTS Recreating Saint Sebastian | National Gallery
#SHORTS Find out why graffiti was painted on this church interior | National Gallery
#SHORTS Seeing double? 👀 Why is the same man painted twice?
#SHORTS Why are there so many grey skies in the National Gallery?
#SHORTS Take a closer look at 500-year-old fingerprints!
The paintings that inspired 'Bridgerton' and 'The Great'. Watch the full film on our channel.
Getting 'The Red Boy' ready to be displayed in the National Gallery.