6 months ago • Gamefromscratch

Two New  #GameDev  Humble Bundles... You Can Win Both!

There are two new Humble Bundles of interest to game developers, the first is a Corel Painter 2023 (newest version!) bundle (  https://gamefromscratch.com/create-and-elevate-corel-painter-2023-humble-bundle/  ) while the second is a collection of Horror themed sound fx and soundtracks from Ovani ( https://gamefromscratch.com/harmonic-hauntings-horrific-sound-music-bundle/  ).  Ovani are the people being the Audio Odyssey bundle the other month, and these will work with the Unity, Godot and Unreal plugins from that earlier bundle.

To enter, simply leave a comment in this discussion and I will randomly pick a winner tomorrow at 4PM EST.

Due to not having a direct way to contact someone on YouTube, I will notify the winner to email me (in this thread) with simple instructions to verify they actually are how they are.

You can also enter on Twitter here (  https://twitter.com/gamefromscratch/status/1716518618752524367  ) and on the GFS discord server in the Announcements section ( https://discord.com/invite/R7tUVbD) .   There is also a giveaway of both Bundles available to Patreons here ( https://www.patreon.com/gamefromscratch) .  Rules and terms are available on the linked document (basically must comply to local laws, YouTube policies, be of any required age in your local country, etc).

Finally a Poll... this is my first time doing a giveaway like this for Humble Bundles, do you like the idea going forward, should I do more? 

Yes, do more

No, do not

Yes, but do it differently

1.5K votes

6 months ago • Gamefromscratch

New Unity Mega Bundle, My Coverage of Unity going forward and thoughts on the future.

There is a new (and incredibly quietly launched) Unity 30 for $30 MegaBundle on now:

It is actually an exceptionally good bundle for those staying in the Unity ecosystem.  Obviously for those unsure about the future of their use of Unity, or those that have left, there is not much here for you.

That said, at the bottom of the linked article above, there are several guides on how you can use/export Unity assets to work with other game engines such as Unreal or Godot or use certain assets with Blender.

Now... why did I do a community post and not a video about this bundle?  Simple really, the same reason why Unity didn't even tweet or email about the Bundle... Unity content flies about as well as a lead balloon right now.  The comment section of that video would be an absolute mess! Plus, I honestly didn't even know this bundle had launched (due to complete silence from Unity) until a day after it had gone live and I like to be as timely as possible with my reporting.

I do however want you all to know it exists, as that has been my goal all along, thus this community message.


Finally a quick mention of Unity and Unity content going forward.   This is a general game development channel, I cover all news for all engines, and that includes Unity.   Right now obviously Unity has a (well earned) black eye and a very negative reputation especially here on YouTube. It is however still a very capable game engine with a massive community of people using it.  I am not going to stop covering it because the people that run Unity did something completely greedy and unbelievably stupid.  I still personally like Unity even if I don't like the people running it, even though that wouldn't matter for my coverage on the channel.

I am EXTREMELY happy to see that John Riccitiello (CEO and Chairman... so no, not just a sacrificial pawn) is gone, and I hope to see other members of the leadership team removed (especially the IronSource influences).  It is very rare to see a board entirely purged and if you do, it's because the company is going under or was acquired.  We will probably see more leadership changes over time, especially once a new board chairman (this big boss) and a new CEO (the day to day boss) are chosen, and ideally they aren't the same person this time.  Hopefully this results in a different culture and direction at Unity going forward and they get back to focusing on game engine development and less so on market capitalization.

Do I think Unity will go away?

Do I think Unity just lost a lot of users?

Do I think this is going to hurt their bottom line?

Will Unity continue to be the most popular game engine, at least for the next few years?
Most likely yes

Is Unity itself a good game engine?
Yes  (with lots of warts to fix...)

Do I think Unity will be bought?
Not yet, unless it drops deeply in value (sub $10 a share) or gets in more and more trouble.   If it does plummet though, Unity will not go away, someone will buy it.  My guess of suitors in order are Netflix/Disney (both are pushing hard into gaming), Apple (VR device), Microsoft (they are named all the time... honestly I don't really know what Microsoft would get out of it except to deny a competitor like Apple), Amazon (they tried the whole game engine and game development thing once and they have deeeeeeep pockets).   Of course that is all just speculation and honestly unless Unity hires  someone as awful as Bobby Kotick as the replacement CEO, I think in most cases we'd be better off Unity not being purchased, especially now that JR is gone.

Unity has put itself in a very interesting position... they lost a lot of developer trust by attempting such an overreaching and greedy monetization strategy, that damage is done and if it heals at all, it is going to be over time and hard earned.

Now that the runtime fee is opt in (if it had been all along, this would have been WAYYYYYYYYY less damaging for Unity) for version 2023 LTS and beyond Unity are going to have to work extremely hard to convince people to move beyond the current versions of Unity.  This means actually shipping a superior product to the last version that people actually want to use.  This is the one silver lining that could come of all this mess.  Unity are going to have to work hard to release an appealing product that makes developers want to upgrade, more so than ever before.  This kind of focus, instead of focusing on film markets, automotive, etc... is exactly what game developers need.

Anyways, TL;DR:

Yes, I will continue to cover new Unity releases and bundles, just like I always have.  It's not up to me to dictate to you what engine you should or shouldn't use, I just present all of the options out there and try to keep you as informed on the world of GameDev as much as possible.  I will continue to do this. Like it or not, Unity is still and will continue to be, a huge part of that world.

I'll close thing with a poll to gauge how you all feel about your use of Unity in the future.

Do you plan to keep using Unity in the future? 

I don't use Unity anyways

Yes, I intend to keep using Unity

I intend to finish up my current project then switch engines

Maybe, it depends on what Unity does in the future

No, I am done with Unity forever

14K votes

1 year ago • Gamefromscratch

I did a video a while back about the GDevelop game engine being available on Mobile.  Back then... by mobile, I meant Android.  I knew at the time they were submitting to Apple for approval on the App Store, but that was never a sure thing... the Apple App Store is arbitrary at the best of times, but ESPECIALLY when it comes to programmable content, ever since their war with Flash.

Well the good news... if you have an iPad or iPhone you can now do game development on your phone using GDevelop.  GDevelop is now on the Apple App Store along side the Google Play store.  It's a really nice experience to be honest, probably the best mobile game development experience I've had that doesn't require a keyboard.

Not doing a dedicated new video on it, since it's exactly the same as the Android version.  But if you want to learn more, check out this video .... but just realize its now on IOS and Android. 

The Best Game Engine On Mobile?


1 year ago • 25,421 views

1 year ago • Gamefromscratch

If you've ever wondered "How the Sausage Was Made" here at GameFromScratch, today I published a video on Camtasia 2022 ( https://youtu.be/y7oSN7Q-eG0 ).  This is the software I have used to make 99% of the videos on GFS and it's IMHO the single best piece of software for making video tutorials.  In addition to going over what's new, I also show the basic workflow behind videos on this channel.  There's even a postage stamp sized face reveal for those that for some crazy reason want to see my face.  ...warning, I'm a hand talker.  

If you have a recommendation for a cheap, free or better yet FOSS alternative, I would love to hear it.  I as of yet haven't found anything that comes close. 

Camtasia 2022 -- The Perfect Tool For Tutorial Creators Like Me (Just Got Better)


1 year ago • 9,919 views

2 years ago • Gamefromscratch

3D Modelling or 3D Modeling?
3D Modeler or 3D Modeller?

A question as old as time itself...  which do you use?  I quite honestly have no idea which is "right" and/or if it's a regional thing...  only modeller ticks of my spell checker, everything else seems to be accepted. 

Modelling + Modeller

Modeling + Modeler

Modelling + Modeler

Modeling + Modeller

3.9K votes

2 years ago • Gamefromscratch

Still on vacation and actually doing the whole vacationing thing this time, but I did promise to cover every humble bundle of interest to game developers.  So here it is... A collection of GUI graphics for a variety of game genres from Gamedev Marketplace.  Will do a video on it and others after I return. 


There's been lots of news the last few days too... Don't worry, I'll catch it all up when I get back home right after Xmas. In the meanwhile happy holidays everyone! 

2 years ago (edited) • Gamefromscratch

This bundle has happened so many times, that I'm not going to bother doing a video on it.  But since I aim to be your one stop shop for Humble Bundles of relevance to gamedev, there is an O'Reilly Python Book bundle on now.  The books are legit good, but I think this is about the 4th or 5th time it's been a bundle.  If you are thinking about picking it up, be sure to check your library, this one is 100% repeats I believe.

2 years ago • Gamefromscratch

Hey everyone... quick  poll!   Would you like to see more engine vs/comparison style videos on the channel?

Like I did with Unity vs Unreal (which I do intend to update, a LOT has changed), or things like Godot vs GameMaker, GDevelop vs Construct, O3DE vs CryEngine, etc...?  I wouldn't be saying X engine is better than Y, but I would do a direct contrast of their features, strengths and weaknesses.

Anyways, vote to let me know if you want this kinda content... and let me know if the answer is yes, in comments below, what comparisons you would like to see if any. 

Yes, I want to see more Engine vs Engine comparison videos

No, I do not want to see this

Meh, I don't care either way

5.1K votes

2 years ago • Gamefromscratch

Hey Everyone...

Something is messed up in YouTube land.  My most recent video on Lumberyard only has audio on Desktop, doesn't work on mobile.

Obviously that's not something I can control... I record audio and upload the video... the fact it only works on one set of devices is YouTube screwing something up.   I'm trying to reupload the EXACT SAME video, to see if the encoding process goes better.   Fingers crossed.

SO if you get the same video twice, that's why.  If you can't hear it and don't want to wait, check it on Desktop. 

3 years ago (edited) • Gamefromscratch

PSA Time!  Only 5 hours remain in the massive Unity Humble Deal!

Since this deal is pretty rocking for Unity devs, as you know I've done a lot of coverage to let you know if this bundle is right for you:

So if you're on the fence, hopefully these reviews will help you decide... only minutes remain.  Now hopefully we get a Unreal Humble next!