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Tabasco sauce challenge
Sleepy powder challenge
Onion challenge
Wearing an invisible cloak
Visiting a magic shop
Eating a golden burger
Burger challenge
Eating a burger for poor
Biting a burger for poor
Starbucks cup with coffee
Trying starbucks coffee
Belching from burger
Switching pasta
Throwing a napkin
Taking money
Trying coffee for rich
Rich girl has a burger for rich
Rich girl drinks cheap coffee
she poured rotten eggs all over herself!
Trying black spaghetti
The second girl was unlucky again
Not liking a shrimp
A magic camera turned a stinky smoothie into a chocolate shake!
Eating apaghetti with ketchup
she's got a magic camera!
Biting a sea pizza
The girls finally got out of there!
Trying expensive pizza
she needs to drink a chasnok smoothie.
Trying a cheap pizza
Eating a pepperoni pizza full shot
Eating normal spaghetti
She ate the chicken feet!
Trying spaghetti full shot
Turned real worms into chocolate worms!
Drinking cheap coffee
She needed to drink an unflavored smoothie but she found a way out!
Eating cheap coffe
She didn't notice her friend getting sick
Cooking a frozen cheap pizza
Eating a pepperoni pizza
Eating crusts only
A friend got a tasty teddy bear and she got a weird camera...
Pizza challenge
The girls don't know what they're drinking
Throwing mussels
She choked on something weird
Stealing rich food