1 year ago • Anthony Sistilli

Hey everyone just a heads up - I've completely rebranded the channel from Anthony Sistilli -> ReactJS Hub :) 

I love React, and I want the channel to appeal more to people who also love React!

Also there's a new React-specific discord community you can join as well  https://discord.gg/6JrFjjpsW9 

2 years ago • Anthony Sistilli

Hey everyone just a heads up! Today I'll be uploading my MUI V5 Crashcourse video, and I might pause uploading for a bit since I have a bit of travelling / other things to do in the next few months! 

I will try to get some content out here and there, but just wanted to let you know that the daily uploads will probably be ending today :) - we covered a ton of MUI v5 and I'm pretty happy about that!

Thinking of doing more commentary style videos when I get back... let me know what your thoughts are! 

2 years ago • Anthony Sistilli

I code a lot for my startup - is anyone interested in seeing coding content where I do actual frontend coding task by task for a live site? 

Yes, show me real coding content


I prefer closed loop tutorial style videos

287 votes

2 years ago • Anthony Sistilli

Do you want to learn about web3 development? (Solidity, Rust, etc) 


I hate the metaverse

285 votes

2 years ago • Anthony Sistilli

What kind of coding shorts would you like to see? 

Coding memes

React information

Tech company careers

Other (comment your idea below!)

312 votes

4 years ago • Anthony Sistilli

Thank you all for the 1000 subs! :)