3 hours ago (edited) • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

My shop got re-born today ! 🔥 With a huge help from my husband, the interface took new colors, my logo new look and I hope the shopping experience will be much simpler and joyful:)
If you see any glitches or problems with the shop, I'd be truly grateful if you could let me know.  I am also curious what do you think about this new look?  😉
As always, have a  truly beautiful weekend and big hugs! 😘❤️ 

8 days ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

My dearest YouTube Friends! I need your HELP! Shopify recently made some changes to their platform and as a result I lost majority of reviews in my shop! I know that this is a huge issue with other Shopify shop owners and we are all so mad! Your reviews are such a  great help to make a purchase and I am in tears...  My purchase rate drop down by more than 60% since the reviews disapeared and at this rate it will not be possible for me to continue with my online shop. Today, my husband managed to recover few of the recent reviews and installed for me a new review  app. But this is just a drop comparing to what I had received from you in form of reviews in  the last years...  i WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU KINDLY  if you made a purchase in my shop at any point, I'd appreciate so much if you could leave a short review to help me build up again the customer's trust . I do understand that we are all busy, so if you can't do it, it's not a problem, but if you can- I wuld be so very grateful! ❤️
You can do so by opening a product, scrolling down and at the bottom of the page there is a button- Write a Review.
Thank you so very, very, very much! ❤️❤️❤️ 

4 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

New batch of digital graphics available in my shop:        https://shop.lemoncreation.com/ 

4 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

I think I will have to stop speaking althogether and remove the music when I am at it 😁😁😁 Silence in the next video! 😁😁😁 

4 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

Back in the stock, but I am thinking this is the very last batch... They take too much of my time to make...
As always, we'll see :)

🛒 https://shop.lemoncreation.com/ 

4 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

A new bunch of digital graphics available in my shop :)

4 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

Make a wish and believe it will come true! Let's make this 2024 better, full of love and respect! We are all on different paths, let's help each other in this journey without unnecessary judgement and with understanding. May this year be a beautiful, meaningful adventure to all of us! ❤️
Thank you all for 2023- it was one of the best year  (even though it started not great at all) in my life and I am truly grateful for that! ❤️ 

5 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

New DIGI FILES in my shop :)  Over 60 digital cats to print for focal points or for any other use :)

🛒 https://shop.lemoncreation.com/collections/digital-downloads 

7 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet


Thank you for supporting me ❤️ 

7 months ago • Lemon Creation - Asia Marquet

Amazing background with cheap markers and truly cool technique :) Please SHARE this video with your friends- THANK YOU! ❤️