1 day ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

No matter the challenges that arise, I am cradled by the vast embrace of the universe. 

2 days ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Happy Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful for every moment of calm and peace that envelopes my being. When I find myself in the serenity of tranquility, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. What are you thankful for today? 

4 days ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Affirmation of the week: I am overflowing with happiness.

Repeat this affirmation 10 times a day this week, and let joy radiate from within. 

5 days ago (edited) • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Ester Hicks, who channels Abraham, is someone I greatly respect, and I feel my spirit soar with her teachings. She was not the first to talk about the philosophy and life belief of "everything is working out for me"; however, with Abraham, she has brought it into our current time with modern relevance and faith. In honor of Abraham and this beautiful high-vibration belief system, I have created an 'everything is working out for me' cognitive reprogramming track. Make these words become your own, allow them to filter and fall into your vibrational atmosphere, as you fall into a deep and blissful sleep. So much love from my heart to yours. 

I Am Affirmations: Everything Is Working Out For Me - Reprogram Your Mind While You Sleep

Rising Higher Meditation ®

5 days ago • 30,425 views

8 days ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Let this truth ignite your path, guiding you to embrace challenges with unwavering faith and transform obstacles into triumphs. 

9 days ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Happy Thankful Thursday!I am grateful for my life and the opportunities that I saw around me. How about you? What opportunities have you taken and are thankful that you did? 

11 days ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Affirmation of The Week:
I am flowing with energy
Repeat this affirmation daily, and feel the energy grow. 

12 days ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Welcome to today's Super Powerful Manifestation Meditation! As we embark on this transformative journey together, we'll harness the boundless power of our minds to quantum leap into a realm of infinite possibilities.
 Let these affirmations guide you, illuminating the path to your desired reality. Feel yourself aligning with the frequencies of abundance, love, and success with each breath.

Sending waves of gratitude and blessings from the depths of my heart to yours. Thank you, Universe, for guiding us on this journey of manifestation and transformation. 

Guided Meditation: Super Powerful Manifestation Meditation - Quantum Jump To A New Reality Now!

Rising Higher Meditation ®

12 days ago • 67,198 views

2 weeks ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Our beliefs shape the very fabric of our reality, holding the power to unlock the doors of freedom and fulfillment. Be conscious of your beliefs and how they are influencing your life. 

2 weeks ago • Rising Higher Meditation ®

Happy Thankful Thursday! Today is quite special to my heart. I am thankful for our children; it is such a joy to watch these amazing humans grow and develop new preferences. We have some teenagers now!! They give me such joy and inspiration. How about you? What are you grateful for today?