3 months ago • Steak Bentley

The Ping Pong video recently got taken down for double copyrights on the soundtrack. I would like to get it visible again but it's up on Vimeo for the time being. Sorry for the trouble 🏓


4 years ago • Steak Bentley

GET IN LOSER WE'RE PLAYING METAL GEAR RISING AND BEER  https://twitch.tv/steak_bentley/ 

4 years ago (edited) • Steak Bentley

Hi, I have Patreon now so that's set to per-creation, so if you'd be interested in dangling a carrot in front of my keyboard to help me get a video out more than once a year I'd really appreciate your support. Thanks ✌️

4 years ago • Steak Bentley

i wanted to upload   a video today because it's been a year since the mgs4 vid but unfortunately i didn't finish it in time :v

It's not metal gear or even video game related but it's an idea for a video i've kicked around for a while and i'm hoping it gets me back into the swing of making stuff more often. It's been a weird year for me and i've never had as many people watching what i'm doing as have been in the past six months, so i hope whatever i end up putting out doesn't tank whatever good will i currently have. I have a bunch of ideas including a similar piece on mgsv but before i can take on something like that i need to work making videos back into my life since where i am now i cant burn three months straight making one video anymore.

thanks everyone who subscribed and left nice comments and who watched any of my videos especially yumy egg gets comfy

steak will return next week in game magazines 

5 years ago • Steak Bentley