11 months ago (edited) • Westham

Rarely use the community tab but I want to start using my 2nd channel more and would love to take some time to just answer any questions people would care for my thoughts on and upload it.

Could be rs related or irl, nothings off limits so shoot if you have any :)

Video will be uploaded to  @WesthamShorts 

1 year ago (edited) • Westham

Golden gnomes are out, if you want to vote for me on the Best New Video Creator category. I'd prefer if you voted Rhys instead.

I think we share a lot of our viewers, and I dont think any of us will win if we both enter.

Vote here:

1 year ago • Westham

hello fellas me and Dino will be on the Saebae podcast tommorow, if you have any questions for either of us you can comment them on here and I'll forward them.

If you're interested in listening it will be up tommorow at  https://www.youtube.com/@Saeder 

Thank you all :D 

1 year ago • Westham

just a heads up for those who care, 
PvP HCIM EP3 might take a while. I've spoken to my landlord today and they're done building the upper floor so I'll have to leave my apartment soon for a few days while they build the staircase which means no gaming for a bit.

Should have a regular video out in the next few days though. Ty all for the support lately 

1 year ago • Westham

hello, It's been 3 days since the c engineer vid dropped. After reading a lot of the comments, I wanted to adress some of the more common ones.

"Isnt it unfair to team in max vs a hardcore?"
We played with the rules that existed, the point of his series was that it was extremely dangerous. I believe if C himself thought it would be unfair, he would make it a rule. I play with my friends, that's the most fun for me.

As for the RWT part, while It's a lot of money It'd be absurd to think Jagex wouldnt keep any track of the money after It's been traded. While the staged part theres not really a response I can give, if you believe that It's fine and you are ofcourse entitled to your own opinion.

"Your video spoiled the series"
That I do apologize for, In hindsight the title and thumbnail probably should have been something else for the first 24 hours atleast. 

"What are you gonna do with the money?"
You'll find out in my next vid :D

Not suprised the video angered a lot of people since it was one of the best series on OSRS that abruptly came to an end. That being said, Thank you to all of you who were respectful & positive. 

2 years ago • Westham

I've never used this tab before but the amount of views and support I've been getting on my videos latetly has been so insane I truly have no words. Thank you to each and everyone of you who choose to watch & interact with my videos, it means a ton 💖