2 years ago • Henry Vo

No way... A new video...? It only took a year but I'M FINALLY BACK!!! Can't wait to start posting content again :)


Building My First Gaming PC with No Experience... (High-End)

Henry Vo

2 years ago • 1,965,572 views

2 years ago (edited) • Henry Vo

Warning: Longgg post

Belated Happy World Mental Health Day! 

Hey all! I’m really sorry for my online absence (again…) lately. These past few weeks have been exhausting for me, and I have some things I want to address, regarding my mental health, and future plans for my YouTube channel. Although I haven’t necessarily been hiding or avoiding my mental health issues, I think expressing my feelings publicly will help lift a heavy weight off my shoulders, raise my own self-confidence, and give you guys an update as to where I’ve been.

This past month has been the lowest point of my life, both physically and mentally. I recently moved from my hometown, and since then, I’ve experienced a spike in OCD, depression, and anxiety. I’ve always suspected that I’ve had some form of OCD, but lately it feels like that dial has been cranked up to 11/10. Every single, little thing in my day-to-day life has to be done “perfectly” or I’ll repeat these tasks until they’ve been completed to “perfection.” This can make such menial jobs, like brushing my teeth or washing my face, take 10x longer than they should, and it’s made every day extremely mentally taxing for me. Even as I write this post, I’ve proofread and changed tiny, little things dozens of times to make sure it’s “perfect.” There’s much more to my OCD, but this is just a small glimpse into it.

The process of moving also caused a domino effect of things that has led to a sharp decrease in my overall mood and wellbeing. I haven’t been exercising very much or eating enough each day, and I’ve been staying in bed for over half the day most days. Thankfully though, I’ve slowly started to develop a healthy routine, and I’m starting to feel more like my true self again. :)

Because of my channel’s unexpected and extreme growth from having posted only two videos, I recently made the choice to take a break from my post-secondary studies this fall, to try pursuing this fantasy of a YouTube career. As exciting as that sounds, it has brought me a fear of failure and a subconscious social embarrassment. I really want to start recording and posting videos again, but ever since I took a break this summer and my channel took off, I’ve been feeling unmotivated and even kind of embarrassed to keep posting…? 

This fear and embarrassment stem from both the thought that I’m being too ambitious in my goals and this idea that it seems like I’m desperately trying to become “famous” by posting videos. But I know that the only way to get over this fear and embarrassment, is to throw myself back out there, develop my confidence, improve over time, and show my haters (aka myself) that there’s nothing to feel negatively about. I’ve honestly had so much fun making videos, and I shouldn’t care about what others think of me. I’ve been given this super rare opportunity to share my experiences with tens of thousands of people, and I can’t wait to see what happens going forward.

My whole life, I’ve always wanted to be “just another cog in the machine” - Graduate high school and university ASAP, get a job, get married, start a family, and work the rest of my life. But only within the past year or so, have I shifted away from this mindset. I’ve finally realized that I don’t need to and don’t even want to follow this cookie cutter life that I’ve always imagined for myself. I have my whole life to worry about the future, so it’s time to take a chance, and do something stupid right now! 

I could go on for hours and hours, but I don’t want to waste any more of your time! It really does feel nice to get a little off my chest.

Thank you so much for sticking around during my absence, and thank you for the loving support and kind words I’ve received since the very beginning. It really means the world to me. I’m sorry for the extremely long break… I can’t wait to come back and share my true personality with you all! 

If you are experience any kind of mental health issues, just know that you are not alone. When things get worse, they can always get better. The first step is realizing there is an issue.

 #worldmentalhealthday   #mentalhealth   #progress   #confidence   #smallcreator 

Self-plug: Check out my Instagram to keep up and see more from me (@henryhaovo)!


2 years ago • Henry Vo

Hello, I am still alive. ✨

I’m so sorry for my inactivity online lately! I’ve been occupied pretty much 24/7 with work this past little while so I’ve had very little time to be online.

I’ve been thinking up a bunch of video ideas, just haven’t had the time to record or edit anything yet. But hoping to get back to it as soon as I can!

To win your love and trust back, feel free to comment a question about anything and I’ll give a response as soon as I can! In other words, a mini  #QnA 

I’m sorry once again! I really wanna give this online content creator / ✨iNfLuEcErrrrrRRrR✨😩🧊🔥🙏💯 thing a shot while I’ve been given the rare opportunity, and it’s a lot more to keep up with than I thought! 

ttyl xoxo gossip girl  #blessed   #mrkrabs 

2 years ago • Henry Vo

This doesn't seem real... Thank you all so much for choosing to stick around! I'm so sorry for the lack of uploads lately (aka for the past 2 MONTHS...) This initial channel "blowup" has been both a blessing and curse to me. I've never received this much attention online before, and it's honestly a bit (REALLY) overwhelming! 😅❤️

I've tried to film a few videos but I ended up scrapping them because I felt like they weren't good enough. I'm also still really new/bad/awkward at being on and talking to the camera so I just feel so unnatural/inauthentic... But I know this is just something I'll have to practice and get better at! And the only way to practice, is to keep posting videos! So I hope you enjoy the journey!

I'm really sorry again, for the inactivity on my channel. I've got so many video ideas for the future, and I can't wait to turn them into a reality. I just need a little more time and practice to become more comfortable! Thank you all so much. ❤️💯 

2 years ago • Henry Vo

2/2 💉🦠🚫✅ Just got my second dose! Time to become the #1 YouTuber in the world! 

2 years ago • Henry Vo

I went from less than 100 to 1000 subs in 3 weeks and I thought that was it. Not even 2 weeks later, I’ve grown to 5000 subscribers…?!? 

Thank you all so much for the support. The journey’s just getting started and I can’t wait to see where it goes! New videos are on the way! 😊💯📷