3 weeks ago (edited) • Maggi Fuchs

Sending you some greetings from Spain!
Obviously I'm not enjoying myself because I'm here on a super-serious mission to test the backpack. 😎🍹🌞 

4 months ago (edited) • Maggi Fuchs

⫷ Q&A Update ⫸
I have been sick this week, so everything is a bit delayed. 🙈
I plan to film it on Wednesday and post it on Friday or Saturday.
Thanks to everyone who has already asked questions - that was so interesting to see!!! 🤗
If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.
And this time it won't be a live Q&A. I'm not brave enough for that yet... 😅 Maybe we'll do it at 50,000… Then I'll have more time to figure out how to do it live on Youtube…. 😂 

4 months ago • Maggi Fuchs

I was thinking of celebrating this milestone with a Q&A video?! What do you think?
If there's anything you've always wanted to know or ask me, please leave your question below.
And I really hope you have some questions, otherwise this is going to be pretty embarrassing and I'll have to make up weird questions myself... 😅

But more importantly: Thank you so much for watching my humble videos and all your lovely comments you've left me. Knowing that there are a few like-minded people out there watching my videos makes it all that much more fun. It means a lot to me, and I really appreciate you!!! ♥️ 

4 months ago • Maggi Fuchs

Did they ever check the WEIGHT of your carry-on bag at the gate? 🎒
If yes, where / which airline was it? 

No, they never checked the weight.

Yes, once or so.

Yes, regularly.

223 votes

1 year ago • Maggi Fuchs

Quick update from us: We made it back to Europe. They picked us up in the hospital in Brazil and transfered my husband with an air ambulance directly to a hospital back home and doctors and nurses were traveling with us all the way.
He already had surgery, is back home and fine at the moment. Currently, all we can do is wait for the results to see what happens next. But so far, so good… :) 
Thanks so much for all the nice messages, we really appreciate it. :)
PS: And always make sure to get a good travel insurance! I really hope you never get in the situation where you need them, but in our case, they have been awesome and we will be eternally grateful for their help. 

1 year ago • Maggi Fuchs

Hi everyone!
We are currently experiencing every traveler's nightmare, so it will be a while until I can post another video. My husband had a medical emergency and we are currently waiting for the ambulance jet to take us home. Right now we are both fine and thankful that there are so many people taking excellent care of us.
But this sounds like another episode of "travel lessons learned the hard way" - now that we are faced with such a situation, there are so many things we could have prepared better... 😖
Well, I just wanted to let you know that things will be a little quieter around here until we get our lives back on track.
Wish us luck! 🍀 

1 year ago • Maggi Fuchs

I’m curious… how do you travel? 🤓 

Carry on (1 bag only)

Carry on bag + Personal Item

Checked luggage, but I want to travel with less

Checked luggage & happy with it

218 votes