4 months ago (edited) • Free Animated Education

Answer: 3rd option

As the vehicle (with closed windows) moves at constant speed (let's say 50 km/h), it creates a closed system that moves together with the same speed. It means, everything and everyone inside the vehicle –the driver, the stuff it carries, including the air trapped inside– moves at 50 km/h. Hence, the butterfly also moves at 50 km/h.

Due to this moving system, the vehicle feels stationary relative to the butterfly. It’s similar to when you're inside an airplane that cruises at 900 km/hour. You’re moving together with the plane, so for you the plane feels stationary. You’ll definitely feel tired if you run back and forth along the cabin several times, but that’s because of the running around, not because of the running and maintaining your speed at 900 km/hour (you’re not The Flash, my dudes). 

The case will be different when the vehicle speeds up. As it accelerates, the air inside also moves forward which then pushes the butterfly forwards, though not as much as it should due to the air resistance experienced largely by its flappy wings. So to keep up with the speeding machine, it needs to fly forward as well. 

4 months ago • Free Animated Education

The kids in the back seat (car A) are looking out of the window to the adjacent vehicle (car B) and spotting a distressed butterfly flying around inside. The cars are moving side by side at a constant speed. They are wondering, how can the insect fly effortlessly inside car B? Does it need to speed up to reach the front seat? What is actually happening? 

The butterfly need to move at the same speed as car B

Additionally, it also need to accelerate to fly to the front seat

It flies at any speed it wants as if the car is not moving

The butterfly just stays still in the air while the vehicle moves

166 votes

6 months ago • Free Animated Education

“We often greatly underestimate our children’s natural capacities. In fact, we underestimate, or take for granted, rather a lot. Take our physical senses. How many do you have? Most able-bodied people would say five: hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell. 

The fact is there are at least nine. They include a sense of temperature (thermoception), pain (nociception), balance (equilibrioception), and orientation in space (proprioception). These are not elite senses that only a few people have. We all depend on them all of the time. 

Why do we think we have five and strain to identify any others? It’s because we’ve heard it so often that we don’t think about it anymore. If we underestimate something as straightforward as our senses, what about more complex capacities like intelligence?”

Sir Kenneth Robinson - "Imagine If… Creating A Future for Us All", 2022 

6 months ago (edited) • Free Animated Education

We can say this is self-sufficient at its finest, because the noble gases already have all the things they need (read: electrons). More on this:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxuBc...  

Those noble elements are so boring they're easy to define: colorless - tasteless - odorless

Original meme from reddit (physicsmemes) 

6 months ago (edited) • Free Animated Education

Bonjour, mon ami! Let’s talk about the tiny ‘vampires’ that activate the panic mode of all Le Parisien (especially the government) just before the Paris Olympic 2024! 

Touche, bed bugs!

Bed bugs exclusively consume blood and apparently prefer human’s. They are red-brownish and flat when unfed. But after having their regular blood meal (up to 7 times their body weight if you let them), their body becomes more red and swollen. If the blood meal supply is abundant, their population can double every 16 days. Otherwise, bed bugs can also survive a year without feeding by slowing their metabolisms. This level of resilience needs a combined treatment of vacuum cleaners, alcohol sprays and ambient heat of at least 46 degrees celsius to completely eradicate them.

Although the bed bugs infestation is not your problem now (not yet), it’s still good to take some preventive steps. Vacuum your mattresses (and other fabrics) regularly and use protective covers! 

7 months ago • Free Animated Education

Don’t you think this weekend will be a waste of time if you don’t exercise your brain in between those slumbers? Visit our sister channel because we’ll walk you for a sinus tour and shape your brain muscles! 

Investigating The Hollow Spaces in Your Bones | Paranasal Sinuses


9 months ago • 2,695 views

7 months ago • Free Animated Education

After years of school classes and pages of books, you still don’t understand what differs a molecule from a compound. Now why don’t you check this 5-minute video that explains it in crystal clear?

Original comic from Cyanide & Happiness 

8 months ago (edited) • Free Animated Education

India is still in euphoria due to their first landing of lunar rover, Chandrayaan-3, which is also the first vehicle to ever touch down on the southernmost part of the moon. But do many Indians know that the moon has a different center of mass and center of gravity? Its center of mass is on the center of its geometry, but its center of gravity is slightly positioned toward the Earth due to the gravitational pull from Earth towards the moon. More about centre of gravity:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd2sc... 

Indian flag attribution:  https://www.vecteezy.com/ 

8 months ago • Free Animated Education

Moon stays in its orbit due to the gravitational pull by the earth that acts as centripetal force (watch centripetal force here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weCht... )
During the revolution, there will be a time when the moon will be quite close to Earth and appears larger than usual, which is right now: Super Blue Moon 30-31 August 2023

Go watch that round blue thing! 

2 years ago • Free Animated Education

@FME  :  https://www.youtube.com/FreeMededucation  , our other channel crosses 400K subscribers, Please do subscribe if you haven't already, you will absolutely love it :)