1 day ago • CyberPotato

It's just a week until my wedding and we hit 5k subscribers. Thank you. Around a year ago after transitioning my content to GameDev and Godot I would've never expected to get to that number. I will keep on trying to provide you with best content I can create to spread the  joy of programming and making games. I will catch you guys on one of the streams. There's a lots of things I would like to show you in this channel. I appreciate all of you! 

1 month ago • CyberPotato

As per popular request Zelda Tutorial will have store/in game merchant mechanics implemented. Meaning:

Separate shop location
Ability to sell items
Ability to buy items
Ability to have a short dialog/discussion with merchant

Maybe a possibility to grab a quest from him (not sure yet, depends on complexity) 

1 month ago (edited) • CyberPotato

Hi guys! Thank you for hoping on the stream and spending time with me :). Next stream where we will continue building the Zelda tutorial is planned for the Wednesday evening CET time. We will be working on inventory system :)

Edit: Stream day changed to Wednesday

If you have time come and say hi! :) 

4 months ago • CyberPotato

Wow. We're past 4k subs. Crazy. Thank you so much. 
I did not release any video this year yet. The new job is extremely demanding. Thankfully the code for the next tutorial is prepared and I will try to record and publish it this week. 

6 months ago • CyberPotato

Hello :)

I decided to disable the midroll ads for all of the Godot videos for now. Seems that the YouTube spams it with ads which really compromises the viewing experience. Also the channel is still to small to really generate ads revenue.

Instead I wanted to remind you that you can join our discord to talk about game development here:


And if you decide to support me in any way you can just do it on Buy Me a Coffe:


6 months ago • CyberPotato

Hi!. I am nearing the end of the preparation for the next tutorial. Given the fact I will have some free time this weekend I may be going live for the first live stream. I will try to keep it short and sweet, but if you'd like to swing by and talk about games, game dev, programming and software development I would really appreciate it :). 

I will post the info about the precise hour of the stream start soon 

6 months ago • CyberPotato

Hi guys! 

Let me know if you'd like to see tutorial about making game with C# in Godot 4 :) 

Yeah, let's learn about C#

Stick to GDScript only

98 votes

7 months ago • CyberPotato

Hello friends! 

Can't believe we're getting close to 3k subs. Thank you all for support. 

Few things I wanted to address:

1. There are lots of requests for upcoming tutorials being made in the comments. I read them all. Unfortunately I want be able to fulfil all requests are some are out of scope for a single developer like me and some are material for a full fledged course.

2. Currently I am sick but tutorial for first 3d game is in the works as well as Halloween episode for Godot game.

3. As promised I won't be turning ads on videos at least until the end of the year but I'm thinking about creating BuyMeCoffee or KoFi account for those of you who'd like to thank me for my work.

4. There's also a lots of questions about tutorials, asking for help or advice. Therefore I am thinking about starting Discord server. Unfortunately due to the amount of responsibilities I'm not sure how active I could be on that server but it might be a good place to talk about games, Godot, programming and gamedev. Let me know what you think in the comments. 

8 months ago • CyberPotato

Hi! As I mentioned before I present you first poll to decide what's next tutorial video is going to be about! I encourage you to vote: 

First 3D game in Godot engine

Another retro game recreated in Godot engine

2d Top Down shooter in Godot Engine

90 votes

8 months ago (edited) • CyberPotato


Thanks to your continuous support I made it to YouTube partner! That was a goal of mine and it makes me very happy :). This allows me to turn on ads on my videos and make a bit of money for my effort and... 

I won't to be doing it. At least not now. The channel is still small. The profit would be minimal and I know that ads are really disturbing the viewing experience. 

If the channel continous to grow maybe then it will make sense to turn them on. In some time I will be considering something like buymeacoffee or patronite, but definitely not now yet.

Thank you for all the views and comments and let's keep on coding :)