4 months ago • British Guy Reacts

A very Merry Christmas to all my subscribers who celebrate! And indeed my non-subscribers (unless you're something unspeakable like a serial killer or someone who takes their socks off on airplanes). Hope you all have a great day and hope to have lots more content up in the new year! 

1 year ago • British Guy Reacts

Hi guys! Just loaded the first two Oversimplified videos to my new history reaction channel (this channel isn't going anywhere - I just wanted an outlet to look at history, which I'm slightly obsessed with, in more depth). If this is of interest please do check them out, and perhaps even subscribe if you're feeling particularly kind hearted:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntgb5... 

Either way, enjoy the rest of your day (unless you're something terrible like a war criminal or someone who doesn't enjoy mint choc chip ice cream)! 

History Nut Reacts to THE FIRST PUNIC WAR - OVERSIMPLIFIED - 'Rome Vs Cathage'

History Nut Reacts

1 year ago • 1,418 views

2 years ago • British Guy Reacts


I honestly never expected this. A huge thank you to everybody who has subscribed. You are all wonderful brilliant people with exquisite taste, and if necessary I will testify to this extent before a court of law (terms and conditions may apply). 

I've got lots more reaction videos planned, along with some original content, so stay tuned! 

Also I'm going to start using my Instagram for channel updates - in the unlikely event you want more of me in your life (and I can't say I recommend this) please do give me a follow:  https://www.instagram.com/jbickertonuk/ 

A massive thank you once again. Let's see where this project goes next!