5 days ago • Unpacked

We want to learn more about our audience! How do you identify politically? 





Something else (share in the comments!)

4.3K votes

12 days ago • Unpacked

What is "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" a call for?
Watch and decide:  https://youtu.be/_hr528dPuVQ 

Equal rights for Palestinians in one state Israel/Palestine

Destruction of the State of Israel and replaced by an Arab state

Destruction of the State of Israel and replaced by a Muslim state

Two-state solution with Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank

Not sure/something else (share in the comments!)

3.9K votes

2 weeks ago • Unpacked

In the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, when Israeli volunteer pilots ran out of bombs to fight back the attacking forces of five neighboring Arab countries, what did they drop out of planes instead?
Watch here and then answer:  https://youtu.be/zdt4L6VTbi4 

Happy Israel Independence Day! 

2 weeks ago • Unpacked

In honor of Yom HaZikaron, Israel's Memorial Day (Sun night May 12, 2024 - Mon night May 13, 2024) 

Yom HaZikaron: Heroes of October 7


4 weeks ago • 6,181 views

3 weeks ago • Unpacked

What's the difference between Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)?
Watch and answer:  https://youtu.be/E_mGc15u8EQ 

1 month ago • Unpacked

Are the Houthis (Ansar Allah) funny, dangerous, or brave?
Watch first, then decide: Why Are These Iran-Backed Terrorists Attacking Israel?  https://youtu.be/jT-4Sfe-1qo 

Funny, I love their Tiktok video

Dangerous, they're a fundamentalist Islamic terror group

Brave, they're supporting the Palestinians with Red Sea piracy

Something else (tell us in a comment)

2K votes

1 month ago • Unpacked

What evidence points to the Bnei Menashe of India descending from the Lost Hebrew Tribe of Menashe?
Watch here first: 
Did the Lost Tribe of Menashe End Up in India?

1 month ago • Unpacked

We're want to learn more about our audience! Who are you? 

I live in the U.S. and I identify as Jewish

I live in the U.S. and I do not identify as Jewish

I do no live in the U.S. and I identify as Jewish

I do not live in the U.S. and I do not identify as Jewish

Something else (leave a comment)

5.2K votes

2 months ago • Unpacked

How much money did the USSR's secret service (KGB) pay PLO Chairman and KGB operative Yasser Arafat each month to carry out terror attacks against Israeli citizens in Israel and around the world?
Watch here:
Did the USSR Invent Palestinian Nationalism? | Explained

2 months ago • Unpacked

Is the fact that Jews are genetically related important?
Watch & decide:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2AJd... 

Yes, because science adds an important layer to identity

Yes, because it disproves claims made to delegitimize Israel

No, because the Jews are a family no matter what's in their DNA

No, because the Conflict is a conflict regardless of genetics

Not sure, I don't know enough about Jewish identity politics

2.6K votes