9 months ago • Project Life Mastery

We just bought a new home! It’s a 3 bedroom ski-in/ski-out townhouse in Sun Peaks, BC. 

We mostly look at it as a great long term investment, especially because it’s zoned for short-term rentals and can generate some great income during winters.

And of course, we will be able to get some personal use out of it as well - to be able to escape Vancouver during the summers for a change of scenery to come up and be in nature. Will be some beautiful memories shared here.

If you haven’t heard of Sun Peaks, it’s the 2nd largest ski resort in Canada by skiable  terrain. Whistler is #1, but also has become quite expensive and overly crowded at times. Sun Peaks is about 4.5 hour drive from Vancouver, or 40 minute drive from Kamloops airport. It’s great here during summer as well - lots of mountain biking, hiking, golfing, restaurants and shopping in the village.

Come visit sometime! Maybe you’ll end up renting our place. 😄 Video tour coming soon. 

11 months ago • Project Life Mastery

Today I turn 37 years old and get to celebrate it with our new precious little boy Lucas… born just a few days ago on April 25th! The greatest gift I could ask for 💝🥰🎉 

1 year ago • Project Life Mastery

Thanks for the birthday ❤️ 36 feels good! 😎 enjoying the Galápagos Islands! 

2 years ago • Project Life Mastery

For those of you interested in Crypto Bots…

The man I learned this unique method from created a Free Report which explains more about how this works, which is a great intro to anyone new to Crypto.

Here's the link to download it:  https://projectlifemastery.com/theplan 

To be upfront: I am not a financial advisor and this is not investment advice.  I am merely sharing my own experiences and results.  Your results may vary.

Also, investing in crypto comes with risks that are important to be aware of.  I always follow the motto "Don't invest in what you can't afford to lose."  Despite the risks, I've personally made the decision that the rewards outweigh them.  Crypto isn't for everyone, and so you need to make your own decision.

To do this also requires money to invest (about $3000 to set up a bot), and so unfortunately this isn't for everyone if money is limited for you. 

2 years ago • Project Life Mastery

Life is like a stream. It’s always flowing, whether you like it or not.⠀
You can choose to resist the flow of the stream through trying to control your life, exerting massive energy to take action & achieve your desired outcomes.⠀
However, as long as you paddle against the flow of the stream, you will feel the struggles of life, the resistance that manifests as stress & anxiety, which eventually exhausts you.⠀
What if instead you let go of control & allowed the flow of the stream to take you?⠀
This means that you let go of your plans, to do lists, goals, “shoulds”, attachments, beliefs, etc.. & instead look at what feels “good” and “right” day to day.⠀
Generally, what feels good & right is being with the flow of the stream. What feels bad, wrong or a struggle is resisting it.⠀
For most, the thought of complete surrender is terrifying.⠀
I invite you to look around you.⠀
Look at the trees, the stars, the mountains, the ocean, the sun. Has any of this come by taking any action?⠀
Everything in nature exists & is happening, without any deliberate involvement or effort required.⠀
If I asked you to “create a plant”, would you start gluing sticks & leaves together, or would you simply put a seed in the ground & allow the force of life care of it?⠀
There is a force creating all of this, isn’t there? It doesn’t matter if you view it as God, religion or evolution.⠀
Maybe life could be easier, more free & fulfilling if you team up with this force, rather than resist it?⠀
The reason someone resists the flow of the stream is because they do not trust that it’s going to take them to the right place. There are layers of conditioning they’ve created or absorbed from society that tells them what they should do, be, desire, & aspire for.⠀
What if you let go of the paddles, surrendering fully to the life force, in God, the universe?⠀
Too scary? What if you just loosened your grip a bit, instead of holding on so tight?⠀
You might find that flowing down stream feels really good, liberating & your suffering disappears.⠀
Just something for you to ponder today… 😃⠀
Credit: The stream analogy is inspired by Frederick Dodson. 

2 years ago • Project Life Mastery

It is not desire and wanting that leads to success, but willingness.⠀
Desiring and wanting something achieves nothing. It only affirms lack.⠀
The moment you desire and want something, you’re creating a void within yourself.⠀
Whatever you consistently hold in your mind is what you attract. So as you continue wanting… then sure enough, you continue attracting the state of wanting.⠀
This is why you see people stuck, constantly frustrated because their desire and wanting for success never comes to fruition.⠀
Instead, develop the feeling of WILLINGNESS to have what it is that you want.⠀

You may want this or that… but are you WILLING to have it?⠀
Are you willing to commit to what you want, accept it and embrace it?⠀
Having is a different reality than just wanting.⠀
It’s easy to say “I want success”, but actually having success is a different story.⠀
Success requires change. Changes within you, in terms of how you think and behave. It requires stepping into unknown, unfamiliar territory. That might be scary for some.⠀
Having success might require different friends and peer group. People may perceive you differently. You may be judged and criticized. You may lose friends out of envy and jealousy.⠀
It may require a different level of responsibility managing your money, business, team, and the new complexities of life.⠀
It’s the willingness that creates realities, not just the desire and wanting.⠀
So what you really need to ask yourself is: Am I willing to have this in my life?⠀
Am I willing to let go of the internal obstacles, fears, worries, beliefs, behaviors, and attachments that may be getting in the way?⠀
Am I willing to let go of my existing reality of the known and familiar, for this new reality of the unknown and unfamiliar?⠀

Change isn’t always easy. But when there is a death of your old way of being, there is always a rebirth into a new way of being. 

2 years ago • Project Life Mastery

The book Letting Go by David Hawkins has to be one of the most life-changing books I’ve ever read. I’m a different person having read it. Not many books I can say that about!

Here’s a powerful passage from the book, in the final chapter:

“Serious spiritual work is a continuous willingness to let things go as they arise. It is the willingness to surrender wanting to control everything as it arises, the willingness to surrender wanting to change it, and to have it our way.

Eventually, everything that is surrendered that stands in the way of the Presence. The Presence is so obvious, so startling, so overwhelming, that there’s no question about it.

It is profound, total, all-encompassing, absolutely overwhelming, totally transforming, and completely unmistakeable. When everything is surrendered that stands in the way, It is there, shining brilliantly forth.

Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged and saying “OM.” 

It is right here, in this instant. The reason you’re not experiencing this state of total peace and timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is being resisted because you’re trying to control the moment.

If you let go of trying to control your experience of the moment, and if you constantly surrender it like a tone of music, then you live on the crest of this exact alwaysness.

Experience arises like a note of music. The minute you hear a note, it’s already passing away. The instant you’ve heard it, it’s already dissolving. So every single moment is dissolving as it arises. 

Let go of anticipating the next moment, trying to control it, trying to hang on to the moment that just passed. Let go clinging to what has just occurred. Let go trying to control what you think is about to occur.

Then, you live in an infinite space of non-time and non-event. There is an infinite peace beyond description. And you are home.” 

2 years ago • Project Life Mastery

I believe that I’m an idiot.

Now… for the record, I also believe that I’m intelligent, creative and capable of anything I set my mind to.

However, by holding the belief that “I’m an idiot” as  partial truth, it keeps me humble.

And that’s good thing.

The reality is, I’ve done idiotic things in my life, as I’m sure everyone else has.

I’m an imperfect being. Flawed. I come up short to the glory of God and I’m not naive enough to believe that my future won’t entail mistakes.

I’m obsessed with reading, studying, learning… investing hours everyday to gain knowledge and become better.

However, the more that I learn… the more that I realize that there’s SO MUCH that I don’t know.

I’d be a fool to arrogantly believe that I know everything or am smarter than I really am. 

Having confidence is good, but arrogance only gets you in trouble.

I always consider the possibility that I COULD be wrong. I don’t hold absolute truth - no one does.

I know what I know. 

I know what I don’t know. 

And most importantly, I don’t know what I don’t know.

This keeps me hungry, open-minded and flexible to always continue learning. I’ll always remain a student.

Now, I should clarify that this doesn’t mean that I’m beating myself up, judging myself as an idiot and walking around with low self-esteem.

Believing that I’m an idiot just ensures that I remain humble, and don’t buy my own bullshit (which we’re all capable of).

Socrates once said: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

📷 @tony_taafe 

2 years ago • Project Life Mastery

Back in 2000, many believed the internet was a “fad”. This article is comical to look back upon today.

Many people missed out on the early days of the internet & the many opportunities it provides to create wealth & freedom.

The same thing is happening right now with cryptocurrency… many are missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime, a unique time in history where we can be an early adopter of this revolutionary innovation.

Just like in the early days of the internet, many people couldn’t wrap their heads around it. Some were skeptical, reluctant to take part, & many sat on the sidelines because they didn’t “understand” it (or just weren’t willing to learn or take on the risk).

Obviously, the internet went on to revolutionize our lives and the world.

I see the same thing is happening right now with cryptocurrency.

If you had a time machine & could go back to the early 2000’s, I’m sure everyone would take advantage of the opportunities available to make money from the internet.

Back then, it was so much easier. But most people just didn’t know then, what we know now.

There is risk with being an early adopter of something. While crypto is here to stay, there’s still uncertainties with how it’ll be regulated & things need to be worked out.

I believe those who are willing to take on some risk & are patient with the volatility of this relatively new asset class, will ultimately be rewarded. That’s how it always goes - fortune favors the bold.

Even with the current state of crypto, most likely wish they got involved or bought some a year ago… or maybe even a few years ago when they first heard about Bitcoin.

Those who aren’t are just delaying the inevitable - they’ll eventually own & use digital currencies, even if they’re reluctant to right now.

But ultimately they’ll have missed out big time.

Wayne Gretzky was once asked why he’s so great & better than everyone else. He said said: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been.”

I believe that cryptocurrency (and NFT’s) is where the puck is going to be.

Only time will tell. But myself and over 300 million people around the world who own crypto believe this will be the case. 

2 years ago • Project Life Mastery

I stopped “grinding” about 2 years ago (or at least began my attempts to)…

The grind might be necessary if you want to achieve certain things, but I believe it comes with a huge cost if you continue living that way long term.

One of the biggest, for me, was how I had conditioned myself to always be “doing”. Relaxing & enjoying a vacation became a problem, because guilt says I “should” be doing something.

I was always on an adrenaline high & felt restless if I wasn’t always pursuing, achieving, or doing. The constant pursuit of activities is a great strategy for avoiding the pain of facing our own inner self.

Many learn to live off the “adrenaline high” of constant challenges - you see this a lot in big cities. The threat to our survival keeps our adrenaline flowing, as the body is in a “fight or flight” mode constantly.

Many over-achievers I know, myself included, can feel depressed when they aren’t “doing something”. They are addicted to the excitement & abnormal stimulation.

There are many health consequences long term when the body is always revved up on adrenaline. It’s only a matter of time when adrenal exhaustion kicks in, the body’s defenses become weak & you’re at greater risk for disease.

I’m a promoter of the “grind”, but not long term. It is useful for achieving certain levels of success. But I’m not a fan of living that way for decades & promoting it as a “way of life”.

Learning how to relax, calm my mind & release attachments to the psychological programming from society, has been a challenging process.

Learning how to “be” rather than “do” has been huge. Living in the present, rather than the endless loop of thoughts of the mind, has been powerful.

The ego resists all of this. It wants to preserve the illusionary identity we’ve formed. It’s always in survival mode & is a step ahead in providing a justification for living a certain way. “MORE!” is the mantra of the ego.

Returning to balance is always the sustainable solution. Our body is always trying to restore homeostasis & return to optimal vitality. Sometimes we need to get out of our own way & allow our body/mind to reverse the chronic overstimulation we’ve become accustomed to.