1 day ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends
One month ago I wrote that I had a hacking cough. I still have that cough! Its called 'The Hundred Day Cough' in our area because it takes so long to shake it off. 
I decided to continue to record and to just cut out the coughing. This does mean there are some odd gaps in the videos. I hope it doesn't spoil them too much for you. 
Thank you so much for watching.

1 month ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends
There will be a gap in Banished Megamod 9 because I have a hacking cough. Every time I try to speak I cough. 
Fortunately I have recorded ahead on Vintage Story and Stardew Valley so videos on those series will still be posted. 
I was glad I started a new world for Vintage Story 1.19 even though it means starting from scratch. I am even more glad that I started a new Stardew Valley map. I have already found so much new content that I believe the game has almost doubled in size. 
So, back to the hot lemon and honey!
Thank you for all your continued support. 

2 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends
I have finally moved back home so I am finding it easier to record videos. I thought I would update you on what I am working on. 
Vintage Story has released 1.19.3 and I have started a new world. I'm glad I took this decision, because starting from scratch brings home small changes that I could easily ignore. I haven't updated to 1.19.4 as it has seemed somewhat fragile as the devs are rebalancing the game. Hopefully the final stable release of 1.19.4  should come out soon. In the meantime I have found a great site for a new base and I'm starting to build it. 
Banished Megamod 9 continues to surprise me with the variety of mods within the package. I have just found the hobbit mod, so, as I am a great fan of Lord Of The Rings, it has proved irresistible. The next episode goes out on 2 March.
As you know Stardew Valley is a passion of mine. The long awaited 1.6 update will come out on 19 March. those in the know are advising starting a new map to pick up the full benefit of the update, so this is what I will do. I foresee hours of pleasure for me as I play my way through. 
Thank you for all your support during the last couple of months. I really appreciate it. 
Love to you all

2 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends

Thank you for all your good wishes. My family situation has finally eased (I hope!) and I have managed to return home. The first day home I just slept!

I managed to post some Banished Megamod recently. 

Today, by popular demand, I start a new Vintage Story World. I hope you enjoy it. 

My love to you all


3 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends

My family problems increased last week as we suffered a death in the family. 
I am living away from home with a section of my family that need a huge amount of help. Family comes first, so my channel is suffering from a lack of content. 

I have plans for future series, which I hope you will enjoy. At the moment all I can do is plan. I didn't realise how much I enjoyed making videos and chatting with you all until I was forced into a temporary break!

I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.

Love to you all


4 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends
Thank you for all your support and comments throughout 2023. You have kept me going, tutored me and amused me! What a great community. 
I am taking an enforced break from making content over the Christmas period because of family issues. we have a small family and because the mother of a lively 5 year old has badly sprained her ankle (having volunteered to host Christmas) the whole family is rushing to help. As you know, family always comes first.
I hope to start up again in the new year. 
Vintage Story 1.19 is imminent and much greater than we had all envisaged. Its going to be a lot of fun exploring the final version. 
Other VS series will continue of course.
I will continue with the Banished Megamod 9 map. 
Stardew Valley 1.6 is immanent and I shall start a new series when it drops. I am teaching the 5 year old Stardew Valley, which is a fun experience. I forget how much 5 year olds don't know about the world.
In the meantime may I wish you all the seasons greetings, peace, health and much happiness.
My love to you all 

5 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends 
I managed to set off a lighting glitch in my Banished Megamod 9 world that I could not solve. 
I decided to start another Banished Megamod 9 map because I am enjoying the Mod collection so much. I hope you follow and enjoy this next series. I try to post Banished Videos on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 

My thanks for all your support


6 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends

My family seem to be lurching from one health issue to another!
I've had gastric flu and its the first time for a week that I've been able to touch a computer.
It's going to take a few days to get back into the swing.

On a better note this autumn should have some exciting updates. 

Stardew Valley has the 1.6 update coming out - which looks a lot larger than expected. When it comes out I shall start another series.

Vintage Story has the 1.19 update coming out, which has revised ruins and lots of other goodies. I'm continuing my single player world so that I can really understand the vanilla changes - and I've got translocators ready to help me with this. 
I'm going to join a highly modded server, Symphony. Illness prevented me from starting when the server started so I expect everyone will have steel by now! Some of the mods I'm familiar with, some will be a learning experience.

I'm continuing with my Banished Megamod 9 world. I feel sometimes that I've not even touched the surface yet.

So - now that I'm feeling better expect more videos in a couple of days.

Love to you all

7 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends

Thank you all for your good wishes. I have managed to record a little today. I've found a great new Banished mod. 
I'm hoping to get back to a sensible recording pattern soon. 

Love from 


7 months ago • Ashantin 3

Dear Friends

There is an enforced hiatus in my provision of videos. I lifted something at the wrong angle last Sunday and my back went. I had to spend all Monday in bed. I'm finally off the pain killers and managed to record a little today. 
I'm loving Megamod 9. I have found a new mod that will be in the next episode. I can't believe how many mods they have crammed into it. 
Vintage Story
I've got a bit of a technical problem trying to update to 1.18.10. I need to download something additional and I'm trying to figure it out. 
I've had my first go at the Resonance Archive, and I've learned a lot,  but I feel I need some time in the sunshine!
Stardew Valley
I'm going to start a new series when the 1.6 update comes out. If anyone knows the timing on this please let me know. 
So, now I'm off painkillers and walking around easily again expect more videos soon.
Thank you for all your support.
Love from 