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Richard Turner turns down a million dollar offer 💰
Self Made Millionaires
The time I turned down an offer for $1,000 a day 🤑
Richard Turner’s Ultimate Card Game.
Best Pre Workout Recipe from a 6th Degree Black Belt
Why You Should Never Shuffle Cards while getting a Hair Cut #magic #cards #magician
Hustlers, Gamblers, Crooks: Official Trailer HD
Richard Turner’s Run In with Crime #cards #magic #magician
What Inspired Richard Turner to begin Martial Arts Training #cards #poker #martialarts #blackbelt
What Happened to Richard Turner After He Earned His Green Belt #cards #magic #magician #martialarts
Richard Turner in Discovery Channel’s new show: Hustlers, Gamblers, Crooks. #magic #cardtricks
Black Belt Test - Ten Fighters vs One
Never let a cheat shuffle #cards #cardtricks #poker #magic #magician
How to Deal Yourself a Full House - Five Card Draw #cards #pokerchips #magic #motivation
How to play Poker without Chips #cards #poker #magic #magician
Hear the stories of my Vegas heydays in the latest episode of Shark Tales. #cards #magic #magician
I’ve practiced this move 100 million times over the past 50 years #magic #cards #motivation #slowmo
How I first got into the Magic Castle #magic #cards #motivation #cardtricks
PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT #magic #magician #motivation #excellence
Richard Turner's Shark Tales Podcast Teaser Trailer #cardtricks #magictrickshorts #magician #cards
Cheyer’s Night of Magic and Music-3 Blaze
23 Down
Longitudinal One-Hand Cut
Dai Vernon Eavesdropper
Board Breaking
Cheyer’s Night of Magic and Music-4 David Reichelt
Tasty Rhino Dung
Cheyer’s Night of Magic and Music-2
TV Commercial Sleep Solution “Right in Order Featuring Richard
Blindfolded One Hand Control Shuffle
Greatest Stuntman Bobby Yerkes
Cheyer’s Night of Magic and Music Seedman Signing Up
Blindfold The Blind Man
Even Penn
China Tour 26
Whose Taller?
Card Con 24
Card Con 23
10 Eyeballs
Card Con 21
China Tour 25
Dai Vernon
China Tour 15
Brushing Teeth