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What Did Darth Vader Do in His Castle?
The ONE Clone Trooper Darth Vader HATED
How Yoda KILLED His Best Friend
What Did Darth Vader FEAR Most?
What Happened to the Death Sticks Guy?
How a Battle Droid BECAME a Bounty Hunter
Who Was Darth Vader's ONLY Friend?
The ONLY Time Yoda BROKE the Jedi Rules
Why Palpatine Was HAPPY Tarkin Died
The People Who EXPOSED Yoda's Species
The SAD Guy Who FIRED the Death Star Superlaser
What Luke Did RIGHT AFTER Return of the Jedi
How Palpatine LIED About Plo Koon's Death
The HORRIFYING Way Grievous Was SUPPOSED to Die
The MOST Powerful Jedi Anakin KILLED
EVERYTHING Anakin Did on Mustafar
EVERYTHING Anakin Did During Order 66
The ONE Time Boba Fett USED a Lightsaber
What Did Luke THINK of Yoda's Death?
What Happened to the Royal Guards AFTER Palpatine's Death?
What Did Luke THINK of Mace Windu?
How Luke Skywalker WALKED on Lava
The ONLY Jawa Jedi
Why Starkiller FEARED Yoda
Were There Any Tusken Raider Jedi?
The Battle Droid Who BETRAYED the Separatists
What Were Tarkin's FINAL Thoughts BEFORE He Died?
How Did Count Dooku THINK the Clone Wars Would End?
The Droid Who ALMOST Killed Darth Vader
Why Were Battle Droids So Dumb?
Why Did This Sword TERRIFY Lightsaber Users?
The ONLY Ewok Jedi
Why Don't Jedi Use Force Lightning?
Were There Any Hutt Jedi?
What Was Yoda's First Name?
The ONLY Language the Jedi BANNED
What Was Palpatine's BIGGEST Failure?
What Did the Sith Use BEFORE Lightsabers?
What Did Darth Vader THINK of Order 66?
Was There a Sith Chosen One?
How General Grievous STOLE Children
The Most TERRIFYING Droids in Star Wars
Who Were Palpatine's SECRET Assassins?
The Children Who FEARED Yoda
The ONLY Lightsaber Move FORBBIDEN by the Jedi and Sith
Why Palpatine Was JEALOUS of Count Dooku
Why Anakin HATED Training With Yoda
How Darth Maul HAUNTED Leia