1 year ago • FireBolt1154

Hello Everyone!

The first episode of my new Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Let's Play is up!
You can check it with the link here:  https://youtu.be/3ERh4GN5J6s 

From what I heard the audio quality should be at least a little bit better now...
So if you enjoyed the episode or have any feedback, please let me know!


1 year ago • FireBolt1154

Hello everyone!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is installed and ready on my PC, so hopefully if everything works new episode should be up on Sunday evening or Monday morning, depanding on where you live!

Also I hope you enjoyed my Chamber of Secrets let's play! Any feedback would be highly appreciated, as I would love to improve as much as I can!

One thing I did notice myself is the quality of my audio, especially that you can hear clicking on the Keyboard sometimes... This should hopefully improve very soon, as I have bought quiter keyboard, and I am also waiting for microphone arm stand, so I can get my microphone to better position, closer to me and further from my keyboard.

If you have anything else please let me know, and I hope you will enjoy further videos!
