2 days ago • The Cynical German

My EaW review should go live in a couple of hours. After that, I will probably have to end my run of uploading every other day - it's unlikely I'll have something ready by Sunday, too much stuff to do over the weekend. 

9 days ago • The Cynical German

Starting tomorrow, I'll be posting one video every other day for at least a week (hopefully). The reason for that is that I was without internet for almost two weeks which massively derailed my plans - but I used the time to finish a couple of videos.

Coming up:
-Half-Life 2: Episode 1 & 2
-Arcania and its add-on, Fall of Setarrif
-Star Wars: Empire at War and its add-on, Forces of Corruption 

3 weeks ago • The Cynical German

I'm a YouTube partner now - thank you so much for making this possible! Financially, there's nothing in it for me yet because you only receive ad reveneu once you've hit 1,000 subscribers. I could offer channel memberships now but I don't really have the capacities to produce exclusive content and I would not be comfortable with taking someone's money unless I can provide a lot of value in return. I might activate Supers Thanks, though.

In any case, thank you once again. This is a huge milestone for any YouTuber. 

1 month ago • The Cynical German

I've finally managed to overcome my writer's block! This is what you can expect from me in the coming weeks:
-Half-Life: Episode 1 & 2
-Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4
-Star Wars: Republic Commando 

2 months ago • The Cynical German

Today we'll be putting an end to my Battlefront review series. I've been working on this video in some capacity for three months now and I'm happy to be finally done with it.

Recently, I've also lost a lot of nerves over creating thumbnails. I'm still chasing a design which catches your attention but which looks classy and not too click-baity. What do you think of this one? 

3 months ago • The Cynical German

My game plan for the coming weeks:
-Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods (which is currently uploading)
-Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster
-Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Multiplayer, preferably before the Classic Collection comes out which I also want to cover

So there will be a lot of Star Wars on this channel but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the Lego games nor about Half-Life, I just have to prioritize things differently right now 

3 months ago • The Cynical German

It's been quiet on this channel for a while because life has gotten in the way. But I've decided to come back with one of my biggest reviews to date! (Working on a video on Star Wars: Dark Forces right now – the game will receive a remaster at the end of February) 

Gothic 3 | Review

The Cynical German

3 months ago • 876 views

5 months ago • The Cynical German

Upcoming reviews (late December/January edition):
-Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Singleplayer. I might even be able to finish the video today.
-Gothic 3
-Half-Life 2: Episode 1

I'm also planning to do a recap of 2023 with lots of statistics regarding my channel in January. 

5 months ago • The Cynical German

400 subscribers, woohoo! Thanks for the beautiful Christmas present 

5 months ago • The Cynical German

Happy holidays, everybody! I'm doing my best to still publish a couple of reviews this month:
-Lego The Hobbit. Hopefully I can get this done until tomorrow.
-Half-Life: Source. I've actually already covered this game a couple of months ago but I'm not satisfied with the video and want to redo it before the year is over.
-Edna & Harvey: The Breakout. Don't ask me why – I was in the mood for a point-and-click adventure.

I'm also working on Battlefront 2017 and Gothic 3 already.