2 months ago • TheGamingRevolution

Eddie Richtofen or his son, Samuel, could be the President of the United States in MW3 Zombies. No joke or troll, there's a lot of legitimate basis to this theory. Find out in detail in this video -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikd8n... 

2 months ago • TheGamingRevolution

Do you think Zombies will BOOM again with COD 2024? 🤞 



3.5K votes

2 months ago (edited) • TheGamingRevolution

Timeline of Call of Duty Zombies' Success (Treyarch only):
World at War: Zombies inception. Starts off as an Easter egg and is so beloved it grows and grows in the DLC accumulating a cult fan base.

Black Ops 1: The fan base keeps grows massively with Kino Der Toten still being a massive fan favorite and many of people's starting point. People are really getting into the story and mysteries at this point. This game first introduced main Easter eggs/Quests with Ascension, becoming a staple. Ending on a big cliff-hanger with the Earth blowing up.

Black Ops 2: Fan base reaches all time high, whilst people were not satisfied with the initial content (TranZit and Die Rise), Mob of the Dead, Buried, and Origins skyrocketed innovation, rebooted the story, and the Origins ending left people so confused but craving to find out what happens next. The multiplayer being so beloved and the game being one of the most sold COD games, still being regarded as one of the best all-round COD packages, probably also helped zombies' success too.

Black Ops 3: Contrary to popular belief, this game didn't seem to be quite as popular as BO2, due to it selling less copies. All data and trend graphs seem to suggest it had less players but still very high. Despite this, this can still be regarded as the peak of the Aether Story, as it seemed to grow, expand, and move forward from BO2 with a lot more consistency. Der Eisendrache is also regarded by most as the best Zombies map. Whilst it had its fair share of issues/complaints still (every game will). Zombies Chronicles then boosted the mode a lot, becoming the most sold DLC ever, and made for eons of replayability and back catalogue. Zombies seemed to be on top of the world.

Black Ops 4: This game took a massive dip after the highs of BO3 and our expectations were also astronomically high coming off the back of that game. It had a rocky launch with bugs/crashes, tried too much with four maps on launch, split the community between Aether and Chaos, end of the Aether story dipped in quality due to the mode underperforming, the game sold a lot less than BO3 too, people didn't like a lot of the changes (such as the perk system or spawning with specialists), rumors of lots of developmental issues with a cut campaign, Chaos maps were high in quality but the sentiment of the mode ruined any chance for it blossoming. This is when Fortnite first blew up too, which took lots of players... all of this hurt the mode. Zombies, and particular the community itself, was in a very bad point here. Toxicity was high and the fans fragmented when before we felt more like a collective.

Black Ops Cold War: After BO4 tried to be too ambitious, and due to the shorter development time for this game, Treyarch tried to strip the zombies mode back to basics whilst also innovating, simplifying, and streamlining the gameplay to make it more accustomed for Warzone and Multiplayer players. They also made Outbreak, the first Open World Zombies mode. This seemed to work, due to the mass success of Warzone, and this game releasing during COVID lockdowns, a lot of fans came over to zombies from Warzone. Treyarch reported that this is apparently the most played Zombies game to date, even despite it taking some downgrades from the previous games, its streamlined nature made it more accessible to a wider audience. Free DLC was also a plus too. Whilst there were more players, it does seem that they were still less engaged/hardcore than WaW-BO3, and were not *as* into it, and the problems of the fractured community still persisted from BO4.

Vanguard: As you know, this is by far the lowest point for COD Zombies. It seems Sledgehammer were forced by Activision to make this game in a very short time period. As such, they didn't have a co-op mode, and it seems like a small set of Treyarch staff were forced to take time away from Cold War to scrape together this mode in a matter of months, whilst also trying to learn the new Modern Warfare engine. As a result, this is the most barebones zombies mode to date and I shudder to think how low the player base was compared to the mode's highs. Coming off the back of the rejuvenation of Cold War, the next Zombies mode after that game needed to be even better, not take the mode to its absolute lowest. It gave the community whiplash. Most of us didn't expect Cold War to be as good as it was, and Vanguard right after made people feel like it could've just been a fluke. We lost confidence.

Modern Warfare 3: In a similar case to Vanguard, Sledgehammer were again forced to make this game (that was first meant to be DLC) in a very short time period. Once again, Treyarch were forced to assist with a CO-OP mode. This time, they had more time and were more accustomed to this new engine so the mode at launch still had substantial content and was not a barebones mess like Vanguard on launch. Due to its open world nature, it also brought over a mass amount of Warzone players to rank up guns/camos etc. before Urzikstan would release. People also enjoyed farming the Schematics on launch. However, as soon as Warzone improved, it seems like those players just went straight back to that mode. Treyarch have then reportedly mostly shifted focus on finishing up COD 2024 Zombies this year, meaning other studios help mostly with post launch support, and it doesn't receive that major updates. As a result, whilst it had a high player base at launch, its player base has dwindled massively and it is a struggle to even matchmake now. The main drawing point for the mode, the schematics, also became redundant with Treyarch refusing to increase the stash thus far, and people realised that this drawing point was just a short-lived gimmick.

This leads us to COD 2024 Zombies: due to this being the first proper and expansive COD Zombies experience since Cold War, and it being the sequel to that game, this should be the big come-back. A lot is riding on this game, people feel VERY burnt and mislead by the last two Zombies experiences and this needs to be a return to form. Had those last two zombies experiences never released, it could've meant more time for this game, and the community not feeling so disenfranchised. They've had four years to make it too - it SHOULD be a success... but they don't have COVID or the initial Warzone hype to help it like Cold War did. Developer layoffs and them having to make COD 2025 Zombies too could further impact it. Let's hope that because they've had 4 years that the post launch content will all be pretty much completed before launch so COD 2025 shouldn't distract too much. Only time will tell, but I really feel like if post launch support dwindles, zombies' budget and cultural mark could really diminish. This is very much the last chance, in my opinion. If this mode underperforms, it needs to go on a big hiatus afterwards to then come back bigger and better (like what should've happened with COD 2024) but we know Activision won't allow this, with us already hearing that COD 2025 Zombies is in the pipeline. That's also a worry: with them being developed in tandem, if COD 2024 has major criticisms, will they even be able to address these in time to change them for COD 2025?

(Picture from Ali-A) 

5 months ago (edited) • TheGamingRevolution

We have ALL THREE Easter Egg cutscenes in MW3 Zombies! -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvRnR...  (you get them after completing each of the three mission acts) 

6 months ago • TheGamingRevolution

We're a year away from Treyarch's Next Black Ops game in 2024 and we already know almost all of the maps, weapons & more because the developers are sloppily leaving stuff in the files of the "unified" Call of Duty HQ Engine 😂 Hopefully no major spoilers come out before release because this new engine is leaving the flood gates wide open. Learn everything here -  https://youtu.be/x-981rIt05w 

6 months ago • TheGamingRevolution

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies? 



15K votes

8 months ago • TheGamingRevolution

Vanguard Zombies is the BEST Zombies to ever release! 🙏 

8 months ago (edited) • TheGamingRevolution

For those who couldn’t hear audio on my latest video for some reason, it’s fixed now so go check it out. Not sure what happened, it was a fault on YouTube’s end. 

8 months ago • TheGamingRevolution

If someone or multiple people die in Modern Warfare III's Campaign, who do you think is most likely to go? 

Captain Price

Simon Ghost Riley


Farah and/or Gaz

37K votes

9 months ago • TheGamingRevolution

Captain Price when he finds out that Graves met up with Alex and Farah and shook their hands