6 days ago • Trading With Sidhant

Swadeshi Polytex Update. You want to learn how to invest in stocks like these? 

First watch this video and get it to 1000 likes  https://youtu.be/WF_tw76Oylg 

1 month ago • Trading With Sidhant


These were our live trades from last night's live stream. [15th Apr, 24]


If you are not joining my streams you are missing out on your chance to make filthy money for NO COST!!!! 

1 month ago • Trading With Sidhant


Today can feel rough. Your entire portfolio might be facing a loss. 

I am looking at red too!

But, don't worry.

Every Rising Market has a small fall on a smaller timer frame.

But if you look at the larger trend it is still STRONGLY BULLISH! 

1 month ago • Trading With Sidhant

You don't need courses to learn trading.

Not even mine!

If you have a small capital, please learn trading for free!

All resources available on my website -


1 month ago • Trading With Sidhant

Agree? (why)

Disagree? (why) 

2 months ago • Trading With Sidhant

Hey fam,

I've been away for a bit because something big happened in my family. A family member, someone very close to us, had a liver transplant surgery. It's a huge deal, and they need a lot of care after the surgery. The amazing person who donated the liver is also a family member, so we're all working together to help them both feel better.

Right now, I'm staying in a place where the internet is really slow. I really wanted to go live and chat with all of you in the last few days, but I just couldn't because of the internet. 

I'm hoping they both get well soon. 

I can't wait to start making videos again and talking with you all. I miss it so much.

Stay tuned, and take care.


2 months ago (edited) • Trading With Sidhant

Power of inside candle as shared on live 

2 months ago • Trading With Sidhant

Think like a beginner to be an expert!

3 key ways - 

1. Hit the ground running, like, yesterday.
Your early career vibes are like the start of a triathlon - it's chaotic, everyone's jumping into the water, and it's easy to get stuck in the mess.

But, here's the game changer - if you sprint right from the get-go, you're breaking free into open waters. This isn't just about the race; it's about setting the pace for your entire career journey.

So, in your 20s, it's all about that hustle. Find your lane early, and you're golden for the long haul.

2. Curiosity didn’t just kill the cat; it got it the cream.
The most epic stuff in life? It's all about leaning into that newbie vibe, embracing the awkward and the unknown.

Chase down the things that make you feel like you're starting from scratch. Jump in with both feet and a heart full of curiosity, and watch as the best parts of life unfold.

3. Balance isn’t a daily to-do; it's a monthly mantra.
Looking for balance in life is cool, but trying to nail it every day is like chasing your own tail - frustrating and kinda pointless.

Think bigger. Aim for that chill, balanced vibe over a month, not just in 24 hours. That's where the magic happens.

Sprint hard, chill hard. 

2 months ago (edited) • Trading With Sidhant

It's easier to be a profitable trader when you have hand holding guidance on what you need to learn and where all you are going wrong.

To make this possible for you we have opened a few more seats for our March Mentorship batch ( https://bit.ly/tws-etm) . 

Here's what you get -
1. We will analyze every trade that you take.
2. Mentors will personally help you through your journey.
3. You will get a 1 on 1 session with me.
4. Get access to private advanced trade psychology sessions.
5. Hand crafted learning journey for your growth.
6. Be a part of a WINNING COMMUNITY where you can FINALLY discuss trading and money with other serious individuals.

Join by clicking here -  https://bit.ly/tws-etm 

3 months ago • Trading With Sidhant

In 6 months,

You'll be a 10x better trader.

If you invest 4 hours per day:

-  1 hour → Study price action
-  1 hour → Backtest  your system
-  1 hour → Improve your edge
-  1 hour → Master your emotions (meditate, journal, self-reflect)