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Distancing player from the protagonist... an unusal move from #gamedesign standpoint
This little girl was my beacon of hope! #gamedev
Balancing real life logic and game logic with an example of a.. trash can :)
Consequences of stepping out of the line in #gamedesign
How to make a crayon? Out of.. broomstick? #game logic
Designing knowledge based #game to withstand weeklong player breaks! #gamedev
How #thronefall water shader was made?  #gamedevelopers
What do you look for when iterating on art? #gamedev
What had to die for #thronefall to be born! #gamedev
What makes a game feel ~prototype'y~ ? #gamedev
Thronefall had separate #art and #design prototypes! #gamedev
#backwardcompatibility in #gamedev save systems!
Changing sprites dynamically to fit the #environment! #gamedev #shaders
You can always count on #player to do that :) #gamedev
#csharp structs #memory layout! #gamedev
What game engine needs to have for you to switch?
How to #design save system in #strategy game! #gamedev
Godot and Unity are stuck on slow Csharp runtime - unlike Flax
Optimizing #unity UI draw calls! #gamedev
Avoiding FindFunction while implementing Scripting - low level gamedev!
What is global illumination? (game engine)
Business model of Flax game engine
What's Vtable in c++ ?
How game engines should evolve!
How old were you when started #programming ? #gamedev
And where do you host your game design meetings, huh? #gamedev
How porting Custom Game Engine to consoles looks like? #gamedev #clanguage
Simple idea how to keep on improving from #game studio #director
That's how the employer should treat employees! #gamedev
Is that it? That is all you need for a game engine? From C #gameengine creator
When your #class hierarchy stabs you in the back! #gamedev
How do you handle #memory? I don't.
Custom engines make you... faster? #gamedev
That is cool tech! #gamedev #motioncapture
It all comes down to communication, e v e r y  t i m e ! #gamedev
Like hundreds-animations-by-the-end-of-day-type-of-efficiency, wow! #gamedev
Oops, didn't mean to slap you! #gamedev #hollywood
The truth about using an existing engine #gamedev #money
In Detroit Become Human everything was built in #maya !
When you want to smash into wall, but the cameras won't pick it up.. #gamedev
This will happen when put your game out there! :D #gamedev
Seriously, that's how you should approach #game #design! Thanks Ted!
Which #gamejam will emphasize gameplay over visuals? #gamedev
Internet knowledge on how to make the best #youtube video! :D
I went to school for this, I should know this. #gamedev with Ted!
Harsh reality of #apple Mac #gamedev :c
Why do you do the things you do? Justified reasons? #gamedev
What goes into making a great attack? #gamedev