9 months ago (edited) • Institute for Advanced Study

As Christopher Nolan’s film Oppenheimer makes its way to the box office, David Nirenberg, IAS Director and Leon Levy Professor, writes for  @wsj  about the continued significance of Oppenheimer’s tenure as Director of the Institute for Advanced Study.

“Oppenheimer, Einstein, von Neumann and other Institute faculty channeled much of their effort toward what AI researchers today call the “alignment” problem: how to make sure our discoveries serve us instead of destroying us.”

Read more:  https://www.wsj.com/articles/j-robert-oppenheimers-defense-of-humanity-d83903b3?mod=hp_featst_pos3 

9 months ago • Institute for Advanced Study

🏅 The Institute for Advanced Study is accepting nominations for the 2024 Salem Prize, which, since 1968, has been awarded to young mathematicians judged to have completed outstanding work on harmonic analysis and related topics.

The Prize is named in honor of Raphaël Salem (1898–1963), a Greek mathematician notable for his deep study of the links between Fourier series and number theory and for pioneering applications of probabilistic methods to these fields.

Nominations should include the nominee’s CV and a letter explaining the significance of their work. More information on the prize and the nomination process:  https://www.ias.edu/math/activities/salem-prize