5 hours ago • Shakaama

and now i have freckles :( How does a Black man develop freckles? I'm almost in tears. 

1 day ago • Shakaama

ALL of the Trump cases are falling apart. You may know I attended law school (I didn't graduate because I need $100k to finish. Maybe I should have concentrated on getting that money, I'd like your opinion on that) But, I said from the beginning almost all of these cases had no jurisdiction to even bring a case against a sitting President. 

Most of these cases center on activities that happened WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT. Imagine your local ambulance chaser lawyer suing Putin, in your town's court. That's a direct correlation to this.

Then it is found out that the ONE federal case, appointed a lawyer, AGAINST THE LAW. The document case appointed a lawyer, and didn't do it appropriately. Now, it takes time for SOMEONE to ask the question: are you the lawyer that is supposed to bring this case. The answer is no, but you have to present that question to the right judge, A JUDGE THAT HAS THE LEGAL AUTHORITY TO BE ABLE TO LISTEN TO THE QUESTION AND FIRE THE LAWYER.

As to the "hush money" case, I knew from the start it was fake.
- hush money isn't illegal
- there was no affair
- nearly every lawyer involved with that woman has said so
- so the case fails, on its face

If there was no affair, then what was the money for? Now it's coming out that Trump may have been blackmailed or some actual crime AGAINST him. Chief among them, his old lawyer who is now a convicted perjurer. Even lawyers that hate president Trump, have said this isn't the case, to achieve what they're trying to acheive, and it will end up being the thing to HELP Trump into office.

I questioned why Trump went along with this, but here we are months later and Trump has story after story being brought up in the news FOR him, free of charge.

It's literally marketing, during an election. Trump is playing everyone like a fiddle. I know these cases are all bogus, so he's going to wrap these up right before the last 100 days before the election, and he will destroy Biden, and maybe even the criminal cases against Biden and his family will come about. 

1 day ago • Shakaama

They are finally coming out and telling real numbers for inflation, as in 200% for housing, 60% for gas, 40% for food, not 2%-5%. Meanwhile they're giving away billions to other countries, and waving foreign flags inside the capitol building. 

2 days ago • Shakaama

you may or may not know, i run all sorts of whacky experiments on myself. my latest experiment is how to burn white fat (as opposed to black fat... who knew Black is better than white... this is a joke, that is actually true) and all of the research points to how to do it ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...... none of the experiments worked on women.

I keep saying, "this is true for Black men" or men in general, "I don't know if it applies to women," now the research has come out and said, it does not. That all of the fat burning things they did, had NO EFFECT on women.

Philosophically speaking, women are supposed to bear children, for the entire beginning of their adult life. No woman was exempt. That's for 1 million years. So women shirking this for the past 50 years, and even more so the past 10 years, means nothing to their biological imperative.

Why does fat burning not work on women? BECAUSE THEIR FAT IS THERE FOR A REASON. Men's fat is purely there due to gluttony. Remove the gluttony and BOOM, men go back to normal human size.

This means psychologically, if a woman is messing up her body with gluttony and NOT have children, which mother nature and her own subconscious are screaming at her for, SHE HAS MESSED UP.

If she has convinced herself.... or allowed herself to be convinced, that she doesn't need a man NOR children, then she is suffering the consequences of her own undoing.

Let me rephrase this.

A man can bounce back from any and everything. Even at the age of 90. We now know SO MUCH more about nutrition, down to the macroscopic level, that we can reverse aging.

A woman cannot. A woman will ruin herself, permanently.

I am sorry ladies.

They did all kinds of research and they had this group do this and that group do that, and the women didn't even change.    AT ALL. 

But the men ranged from OH MY GOD IT'S A MIRACLE... to ... oh that's nice... to oh we didn't do anything to you all, but you all changed, simply by being in a study. 

3 days ago • Shakaama

Cornelius Makes an Uncomfortable Offer

"Do you want him back alive?" Cornelius asked. The couple had no idea who he was. They looked at each other and then back at Cornelius. Ordinarily anyone would laugh at such a question, or even get angry, but we're talking about Cornelius. He was exquisitely dressed in all red, a deep red, in a suit made of worsted silk. But, on his finger was a huge ring, with a gemstone the size of a man's knuckle, cut so that when light hit it, it danced deep inside the red depths. Another man, me, stood 10 feet behind him, hands laced behind his back.

So the couple hesitated. Cornelius stretched out his hand and twisted, so that it was up to his chest, his fingers laced to snap his finger.

"He'll know we're together," the woman said to the much younger man. I hid a smirk, in the background. Oh, this is complicated. 

If I wanted to, I could spend the blood point that I hold in my belly, from Cornelius, to read their minds, but then I would have to beg Cornelius for another drop. It's not a big deal, but it just seems like every time I spend a blood point, the blood demon grows inside of me and I become more vampiric and less human. And, depending on how I spend it, that body part becomes more vampiric. So I think of very selfish things. Because, that's what a vampire really is, a selfish creature. I call Cornelius a vampire, but he's actually a god, with a vampire blood god inside of him.

Cornelius slightly turned his head towards me, to indicate he was reading my every thought. I took it to mean that he wanted me to read the couple's minds, to be in on "the secret". He could read their minds without spending anything, as if they were just open books. He once told me he sees everyone's strings of fat coming out from them. So they don't appear like humans at all. They look like things with thousands of threads coming from them, moving through the strings, in time.

I concentrated and read their minds.

They killed the man, not a car accident, not a faulty air system. They met in high school, were parted, and she married the richest man in her tiny town. They met back up 10 years ago, and literally started right off, as if no time had passed, sleeping with him that same night. With her husband out of the picture, she thought she would get most of his money.

Cornelius looked at me again. I needed to expand my psychic power and be clairvoyant. 

She didn't know there was a secret document, that would render her completely poor. His lawyers suspected her the entire time, because the husband hired a P.I.. Before he could report to the husband, he was killed. The lawyer had the husband draw up a new will and contingency document, beforehand.

"I mean he was making $50,000 a day. With him dead that money had stopped coming in," she said.

What a classy lady. I was so disgusted. I looked for a nearby camera and mic to record her. Found one hidden in the shadows of a warehouse, nearby. She needed to keep talking.

"I could bring him back easily. What would it mean to you, young lady," Cornelius' silky voice caressed her ears.

She really loved that "young lady" part. Her lover looked at her smiling and back to Cornelius. "You better ease up flirting with her, OLD MAN. We've killed before and we'll not hesitate to kill again."

Cornelius pretended to be shocked. "Really?"

"Yes, mister. The guy you're talking about bringing back, for one. We poisoned him for 6 months. He didn't know what hit him. Thought it was cancer," he was boasting now.

"And I put even more in his car a/c vents," so every time he drove to make me money he was breathing it in," she chimed in.

Cornelius snapped his finger, but said, "well I wouldn't want to mess with you two." He bowed and turned to me. We walked to the car. I drove us back to the mansion. 

A knock came on the door hours later. It was the husband, returned from the dead. He was in a sorry state. Our staff grabbed him, and took him to our medical room. He didn't know why he had come here, nor what was going on. Cornelius smeared a drop of blood across his forehead. His entire body healed and was cured of everything, immediately. A sheen spewed from every pore of his body.

A day later he woke up, fresh as a daisy and hunger as a bear. The staff called us to lunch and his lawyer popped in. Cornelius remained in his wing. His lawyer was confused how his client was alive, but the staff said they were made aware of his situation and we have an old world remedy for it and retrieved him from the morgue. The lawyer couldn't disagree with what was right before his eyes. 

All of his contingencies kicked in, as soon as he was declared dead on the scene in his car.

"Now the question is should you remain dead for some time or appear and press charges for attempted murder?" the lawyer asked.

As if on queue, our staff provided clinical samples of the poison that was in the man's body. They had meticulously kept an unquestionable proof of direct sample from the body. They had also lifted fingerprints from the man's body, namely the wife and the high school lover. If it was just her fingerprints it wouldn't prove anything, but this random 3rd party handling the man's body proves the two were doing something to the man's body, after the fact, and it wasn't a car malfunction.

I knew Cornelius was behind all of this, because he would see the strings of fate of everyone.

Now, as to the lawyer's question, should the man appear alive, or stay dead? I wondered why Cornelius wasn't at lunch. He could still eat. He didn't need to, but he could. 

5 days ago • Shakaama

Remove single black mothers out of the horrible Black financial stats and you get Blacks making MORE than whites. It's NOT racism, it's marxism capturing Black women and separating them from Black men, by .... 

wait for it... 

PROPAGANDA to make them think Black men are their enemy. 

Yet married Black couples outperform almost all groups, except Asians, nationwide. (literally just copy and past this sentence into google, you'll get a ton of research proving it)

Working in a facility with thousands of women, and being 6'2, good looking, well spoken, well dressed, means women from 18-80 who work there hit on me, ON THE DAILY. And, they pamper and preen me, buy me snacks and stuff. 

I said that to say, Black men are 2nd to only white men, on the scale of desirability.

Black women are in last place on the scale of desirability. (again that sentence you googled before, also shows research showing this.) Black women are the least to date/marry across racial lines, mostly due to their undesirability. Men of all races simply do not find them attractive nor desirable. (don't say you personally love Black women, that is just you, most find them undesirable, because most Black women are.)

This toxicity has spread, or in cancer terms, metastasized. the "i don't need no man" has become a full fledged ideology among Black women, JUST black women.

It's a shame.

And, the more modern Black women scream about what a man should pay to be with them, they chase away the men, never get married, and refuse to look and see that married Black women are wealthy, in comparison.

Here's a FUN FACT: once married Black people are 2nd to only Asians to NOT get divorced.

It might be explained, by the fact that Black marriage is so rare, that the two people are rare people, to begin with. Black men do date/marry outside of their race, and are accepted by all other groups. It's crazy that Black men have Black daughters. I assume it's only Black married fathers, produce Black women worthy of marriage.

The stats for single Black mothers is full of L's in their children.

But wait, single Black fathers still produce great kids.

Single Black men, single Black fathers, married Black couples, all make way more money than single Black women or single Black mothers. Single Black mother financial data says they earn NEGATIVE income.

So once again, I repeat, remove single Black mothers from Black financial stats and you get a VERY different picture of Black America. 

5 days ago • Shakaama

There are, now, several thousand cases and convictions of voter fraud, mail in ballots, ballot stuffing, etc.  What are we going to do? 

7 days ago • Shakaama

A Very Rare Vampire 

Now some of you are under the impression that all vampires are dark, evil, maybe cursed by a god or two. Even, somethings we call vampires, that are not quite vampires, but for all intents and purposes, are vampires, because we have no other way to describe them.

I must admit, there's plenty of information about the cursed vampires, the blood drinking vampires, the immortal and sad or angry vampires. Thousands of tales, and eye witness accounts abound about those.

But, I must draw your attention to a slightly higher level of vampire, one with one foot in this world and one in the spirit world. This isn't to say that the evil, blood drinking vampires, can't be in this group, as well, but now comes a totally unheard of type of vampire.

First, you have to know what you're looking at. These ascended vampires, or shall I say, the vampires that come after him are actually descended from him or these men, is where they start. They have one foot in the spirit realm and one in the material realm. They can draw power from both realms. You already know that in the material realm they are faster than the speed of light, stronger than a tornado, etc. But, in the spirit realm, they can peer inside it and see exactly how everything is, but also they draw power from that realm too. This might take on the form of something dark, but it can also take on the form of something holy.

A holy vampire, impossible! Incredible, but true. But imagine a vampire, at the level of a vampire, wielding holy spirit realm power. Imagine seeing white doves descending on a vampire. They know it is a shock to the system, and they use it as a hidden weapon, when in battle. Holy spirit realm power shatters all concepts of limitations. You can do anything with it, especially at the vampire level. 

A human suspects that they know, and you can get some pretty amazing results from such infantile faith. But imagine a vampire, who knows that he knows that he knows it is real and where it comes from. He can literally move a mountain, or worse, a planet.

All of those material realm powers pale in comparison, speed, strength, force. Spirit realm power is executed at the speed of thought. Also, there's no area limitation to it. 

8 days ago • Shakaama

I'm getting heat for saying i'm letting cryptocurrency still cook. what do I look like throwing all my money into an entirely new monetary system? Yeah, I tried to mine it a lil bit, but that's about it. I'm not going to "invest" in something without any infrastructure. Hell we're just now getting online banking and payment systems. 

10 days ago • Shakaama


yes it includes carbs. there's so many industries involved in carbs, that they lied and said you NEED carbs to live. It was a lie.
(rough draft)

- allopathic medicine is oil based, petrochemicals, not plant based
- blood sugar makes the body burn what's in the bloodstream
- the body processes glucose, not sucrose, and what it doesn't use, of the glucose present, it reconverts back to sucrose, and eventually fat
- when sugar isn't present in the bloodstream, ketones are released into the bloodstream which allows for the release of fat cells into the bloodstream, to be used, instead of sugar
- releasing fat cells also releases the toxins the fat cells had, so people get sick at first, but once the toxins are gone, they stop being sick
- you, human, do not want sugar, but things inside of you do. they release instructions to get sugar, so then you go get sugar, sucrose.
- some of these things are cancer cells. with the sugar they grow and build complex bodies, and circulatory systems to feed itself.
- with the huge presence of sugar in food today, people now contract, non-alcoholic fatty liver
- many industries rely on carbohydrates, and they are so powerful that they caused the medical community and health community to say that human need carbohydrates
- as an omnivore, eating mainly meat and some plants, carbohydrates were never a part of the human diet, to even note. leafy greens have small amounts of carbohydrates.
- humans ate plants when meat wasn't available, as a backup, to not starve. we cannot process plants anywhere near as efficiently as meat. some people have convinced themselves that eat plants is better for them. They are confused, and the information they have created to convince themselves that they are right, says stuff like they digest plants as efficiently as cows.
- we have the technology now to see how much of a plant a human can digest, and at most it is 1%.
- simple sugars from cake and pastries is digested more readily than leafy greens. So a lot of the plant only people eat a lot of pastries, to feel full. There is mass obesity among the plant eating people.
- as a final nail in the coffin of sugar being promoted as healthy, they created oils from actual petrol, and made them into cooking oil, then made studies saying fat is bad for you, but the study was mostly about the created oils, including "vegetable oil".
- they made people believe that eat fat and natural oil was bad for you, which then meant that consuming fats fell off and obesity increased, and they pointed to the people that still ate fat, creating a mass industry of removing fat from foods. alzheimer's shot up and mental degeneration shot up.