4 months ago • Mikhaila Peterson

Two weeks since the baby!! I got 5 hours of sleep in a row last night and feel almost human again. Ha.

Credit goes to the lion diet even though it sucked during pregnancy, and belly binding. Cannot recommend binding your waist enough right after pregnancy. I didn’t do it with my first and it’s made a world of difference this time with back support and healing. 

4 months ago • Mikhaila Peterson

Merry Christmas!!! 🥰 best Christmas I can remember!! Apparently Scarlett is the only one who knows how to stay still for a photo, mom and dad came to stay, JF spoiled me to death, baby George came a month early!!! I hope you guys are having an amazing day. If you’re having a tough Christmas try to stay hopeful, rough times do end ❤️ 

4 months ago • Mikhaila Peterson

Happy 2nd Anniversary babe ❤️ 

I’m so happy. 

Jordan set up the dining room and cooked (steak) because I’m not quite ready to make it out to a restaurant yet (11 days postpartum). I got ready, then got tired and napped, then cried because Jordan had fed the baby so I missed nursing because he let me sleep, then got ready again and made it to the dining room. Postpartum hormones are real. I’m so full of love it’s ridiculous. Can’t believe how good life can be if you’re fortunate enough to fight back against all your problems and get through them, even if that takes some time. 

Love you so much ❤️ 

4 months ago • Mikhaila Peterson

Say hello to (most likely) George Waddell Peterson Fuller. Born 5:21pm on December 11, 2023. He’s what’s been kicking me awake at night for the last 4 months somehow.

One month early but 7lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches long with a head full of hair. I guess that’s what happens when dad is 6’5? Thank goodness he was early. 

I asked my midwives last week when I could safely have a home birth and they said 36 weeks. My water broke at 36 weeks and 1 day after spending two days researching how to safely induce labor. Turns out praying worked just fine by itself. No, nothing was set up and I hadn’t started mat leave 😂. My water broke and we ordered a changing mat and a rocking chair. 

Also I’ve got to say, as much as I hate hospitals, halfway through labor in a tub at home I definitely was thinking about an epidural being just a fine thing to do. That. Hurt. A lot. Too much really. 3 hours of active labor so it was short and painful. I literally did a somewhat painful phone call at 3, yelled at Jordan for cold plunging while I was in active labor, screamed a bunch and hurt my pinky squeezing Jordan’s hand and had him at 5:21pm. Absolutely wild. 

Waddell is named after my grandpa (my mom’s dad) who passed away the morning of the 11th. He was an amazing man. Funny, smart, hard working, strong. Jordan reminds me of him. 

I’m. So. Grateful. He’s such a squish, I’m so in love. Thanks Jordan Fuller for the baby ❤️ 

5 months ago • Mikhaila Peterson

What type of content do you want to see?! I’m considering changing it up 🙃

If you have other ideas please comment, I’d love to know what might be helpful for people! 

Interview Podcasts (Political Issues)

Interview Podcasts (Health)

Interview Podcasts (Psychological/Relationship)

Q and A Episodes (Personal Opinions)

Vlog (more personal life)

12K votes

10 months ago • Mikhaila Peterson

Hit a MILLION today!!! Absolutely wild. I can't thank everyone who's watched the podcast and supported me (and my family) enough! Thank you!!!
Also shoutout to  @JordanBPeterson   for reaching 7m same day, making me look bad.
I shall return to podcasting in about 2 weeks!!! I needed a break to deal with some serious life things. Tons of updates coming soon. Life's been wild for the last few months. As usual. Thanks to you guys for watching! Thanks to the guests! 
(Also massive thanks to my team, couldn't do it without you Nancy, David, Juan (Eric for encouraging me to start a podcast in the first place) and my hubby  for help with everything in this crazy life ♥️ 

1 year ago • Mikhaila Peterson

So, an update : I am 80% better than 3 months ago when I basically died from living in multiple places with mold in HVACs. I knew “mold was bad and could cause illness" but that was it. The specialists I spoke to prior to this didn't understand the extent that mold can damage some people's immune systems, pretty much permanently without treatment.

It really looks like my family's food intolerances, environmental allergies, chemical sensitivities, psychiatric illnesses, autoimmune conditions, etc. are from a genetic predisposition causing an immune system that cannot properly identify biotoxins (mold and certain bacteria) after exposure, and eliminate them, causing a permanent inflammatory response.

The lion diet helped this an unbelievable amount. I would've died without it. Same with my family (my mom and dad both have genes for this). It looked like the diet cured me - until I lived in places that made me unbelievably sick. First Nashville, then Miami. It was pretty scary until I figured out what was going on. After the diet, I have no treatment options. I can't tolerate medications, diet is my lifeline to not living in pain. And then I got sick again, on the diet that “cured” me after almost 7 years in remission. Terrifying.

The condition is called CIRS - chronic inflammatory response syndrome. If someone has told me I had a chronic inflammatory response syndrome I would've said - “well yeah, duh." But this seems to be it. Diagnosed and everything. It's nasty. But it's fixable (a total miracle).

After I found mold in the house I was in, we moved out that day. I started treatment with a prescription binder called cholestyramine and somehow not only was that tolerable/didn't cause an immune response (after starting very slowly) it actually helped.

I can't take almost any medication without severe adverse reactions (benzodiazepines give me severe anxiety/insomnia, psych drugs - same thing, over the counter pain medication causes pain all over my body, anti- histamines give me crawling sensations all over my body and anxiety and insomnia, I'm allergic to a ton of antibiotics (but not all - keflex and doxycycline seem okay), I'm allergic to shampoo/conditioner, soap, scented products give me pain and brain fog, VOCs cause leg numbness. Just forget about being around anything cute and furry, I can't even go into houses that have animals without touching them, I still get symptoms.

It's like being in a bad TV show. If it wasn't happening to me it would be hard to believe. It has been happening to me for decades and it's still hard to believe. I have an immune system that reacts to everything that most people can tolerate, at least in small doses. Not that any of the things I listed are good people. It. Is. Wild. That's why I talk about the role of diet and avoiding toxic products. I feel their impacts more than a normal person but they impact other people too. It's not just me, I'm just like a live wire for these things.

Anyway!! CIRS treatment, (at least the initial binder) plus being very very mindful of my environment plus the lion diet has resolved 80% of my symptoms in a fairly short period of time (2 months) I should be back to podcasting in another month! My parents are going to start treatment after their tour. They're doing well because of the diet but still aren't 100%. Compared to pre- diet, different people. But they could be better. Luckily they haven't been living where I have. We'll see what happens. 

I will literally never let illness take over my life again, or the life of my parents. At least I'll do everything I possibly can to avoid that. Human bodies can heal, if you can figure out what they need. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's a lie sick people are told constantly.

Before I put my autoimmune disorder into remission the first time with the lion diet, I stopped having hope. After I had my hip and ankle replaced when I was 17 I decided to stop hoping, it hurt too much. When I was 21, I changed my mind. When I was 22 I changed my mind even more and decided I was either going to cure myself or I was going to die trying. And I put myself into remission when I was 23.

Recently, the autoimmune symptoms crept back in slowly. I never got as sick as I was prior to the diet but symptoms were slow, insidious, sneaky. First a difficult time sleeping, then some muscle fatigue, things normal people have sometimes. Then it progressed into a bit of anxiety, then a bit more, then constant cold symptoms, then digestive issues, and eventually full blown insomnia, fibromyalgia like pain everywhere, numbness, constant bronchitis and arthritis. It took me a long time to figure out what was going on. Months.

I paused the podcast when I finally got too sick to think. My internal dialogue died. I couldn't walk up stairs. It was NUTS.

Anyway! I'm feeling a lot better!! I do believe that after (finally) identifying the cause of my hypersensitive immune system (CIRS) I'll be able to calm my immune system down over time and reintroduce some reasonable foods (nothing unhealthy). That might take some time but it'll come.

I wanted to update you guys because I kind of disappeared for 2 months and remind sick people that they've got control here. They just need to figure out what their body is screaming at them. Apparently mine was screaming "be aware of your surroundings and air and don't fucking live in a moldy house."

I'm putting together a website to help people treat this. I've done a ton of research in the last few months. This biotoxin issue impacts a lot of people. I think most people in the health and wellness space are sensitive to these, and using diet to mitigate immune responses. I assume almost all people stuck on a carnivore diet are there because of this too. It's not rare. The genes are in 24% of the population and between 50-80% of all houses are water damaged. People just don't know.

I'll share the website when it's up, and ways to treat this and remediate your living spaces and working spaces. 76% of people can probably just remediate their house and feel better. The other 24% may need extra help. This is a total game changer for health and I'm going to blow it sky high. Now for the conspiracy theorists:

Home insurance companies donate the second largest amounts of money to the government (republicans and democrats) after pharmaceutical companies. Part of what they do is ask for water damage to not be taken seriously. “Just dry your house, blow a fan at the water you'll be fine. The worst it does is some sneezing." Wrong. This is why in the last 15 years they capped water damage insurance. Because this is a massive problem. Like I said, 50-80% of houses have mold from water damage.

I was told by a doctor that works with the military treating biotoxin illness (CIRS), and he was told that it'll take a trillion dollars to fix military housing because of the mold issues. They think it contributes to PTSD symptoms. The government is fully aware this is an issue but they're too disorganized and crooked to look into it thoroughly. In my opinion this is as big of an issue for people's health as lead and asbestos. The website I'm putting up will have links to hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers showing what these biotoxins do.

If you guys think I already go ham on psychiatric drugs and the dangers literally nobody is told about (hi here's a prescription you'll never be able to get off of if you take it for more than a year without a lot of pain and suffering), or the food pyramid scam that's killed millions of people (animal products are bad here survive on our healthy cereal, seed oils, and high carb processed foods)... Just wait. From the research I've done, this is even worse.

Fortunately if you are sick from your environment because nobody ever said "hey could the water damage and tiny bit of mold in your house be causing your immune system permanent damage?" - there's treatment, and solutions, and diets that help a lot (cough the lion diet cough) and hopefully I can spread this around so people will know better. Because I definitely didn't, even though I'd interviewed mold experts... Website coming soon.

I'm (almost) back baby! 

1 year ago • Mikhaila Peterson

Happy Easter everyone! We went to  @MarkDriscollMinistries  church in Arizona, it was amazing. I basically cried the whole time. I’m feeling a LOT better after being in Arizona for a few months. I was unbelievably ill after living in a house with mold (took me a while to figure out what was going on). We can’t stay in that house anymore obviously so I’ve been living in a hotel for the last two months (less fun than you’d think!) Things are looking up though and I think this explains a lot of my family’s health issues (if not all of them) so maybe we finally have some actual answers to our crazy sensitivities to everything. I’ll be back at podcasting in the next two months once I recover and find a place to live. Things are looking good though! Apologies for the sudden hiatus but I was very ill, I could barely walk upstairs let alone think. It was pretty concerning but I think I’ll be better than ever in a few months 🤞 Happy Easter! And remember, tough times do end so stick through it, but it usually takes you (and only you plus God if you’re lucky) to figure them out. So figure those issues out because you can handle what you’ve been dealt, even if the hand looks pretty awful right now. 

1 year ago • Mikhaila Peterson

Podcast/life update fyi. Taking a short break from podcasting and productivity and anything fun to wait for my immune system to calm down from living in black mold 🙄. I’ll keep you folks posted. I’ll be fine in a few weeks I’m sure. 

1 year ago • Mikhaila Peterson

800k subs. Thanks for the support everyone :) much appreciated!