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A birthday party
Freeze the teacher
Burned through a t-shirt
rich girl wardrobe
threw can at the screen
poor girl jealous
poor girl gets an idea with shoes
rich girl starts watching horror movie
TV antenna and window
movie in real life
makes roller skates
different shoes
ride roller skates
roller skates shoes
no signal tv long
fell of the roller skates
choosing shoes long
poor girl starts watching
The blonde's house is ready
women's personal belongings
the guy drinks tea and the house is ready
blonde invites guy to house
lamps on the bedside table
guy painting the walls of the house
the guy lays parquet, puts a sofa and a shelf
the guy helped bring the wardrobe
toy collection
neighbors eating cutlets
neighbors are going to party
lamps, the guy drinks tea and the house is ready
Hot and cold girls
blonde admires herself
guy preparing cutlets
air kiss
blonde decorates the house pink
blonde finishes decorating the house
chef kneads ice cream
trying pasta
frozen brother and grandma
tries chickens
trying ice cream
grandma slipped
chef serving ice cream
brother tries to bite the chef's marshmallow
cook pasta
chef making marshmallow
brother's and chef's chiсken
chef making ice cream