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How to perform a one-arm assisted hang clean
Lower body workout
Biggest benefit of metabolic training?
Metabolic training is beneficial for athletes
What is metabolic training?
Positive experiences lead to long-term success in training
Ability to connect to clients is key to success
Be well-rounded to better relate to your clients
Cadenced breathing signals to your body you are safe
Breathing is the ultimate superpower
Breathing gives you an edge and optimizes performance
Take control of your physiology to reduce anxiety
Learning to breathe correctly can be a game changer
Our environment is alarming and that impacts our breathing
Spontaneity drives emotion in sport
Intentional adversity can offer great benefit
Do we try to justify not training hard?
Why old school training makes sense
Social media sets unrealistic expectations for training
Burning calories is NEAT
Strength Training for Fat Loss makes training more intelligent
10 exercises to include in your strength training program
Strength training plans for every stage of a woman’s life--  #strengthtraining
Misconceptions of training athletes
Building buy-in with younger athletes
What is Functional Anatomy?
Functional Training for Everyday Movement
Summarizing Progressive Overload
Incorporating into football training
Kettlebells can compliment powerlifting
Introducing kettlebells as a modality
One kettlebell workout
Super bowl commercial shows kettlebells mimic real life
Kettlebell training to improve athleticism
How versatile are kettlebells?
When training, don't forget the breathing muscles
How an interest in dancing led to a career in alignment and imagery
What you will find in the Overload System of Strength
The Overload System for Strength--#newbook
It is important to learn how to become a sustainable runner
Now is the right time to become a sustainable runner
How can you better serve your running community?
How can I help sustain my running community?
How can you sustain your mind and body as a runner?
How to sustain your body and mind as a runner
What does it mean to be a sustainable runner?
The all-important resource to sustaining the running community
Perfect timing for educating the running community