3 days ago β€’ TrixyBlox

Guys - it’s time to distract me from the Monday grind after an insanely long weekend of troubleshooting & tech issues! 🀯

In our next mega project, we’ve got some crazy builds lined up! What type of Minecraft builds do you enjoy watching being built the most?⛏️ 

Big buildings (castles/temples etc)

Detailed villages/cities

Vast landscapes

Giant creatures/statues (organics)

31K votes

7 days ago β€’ TrixyBlox

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a little update on some things.

First things first, new videos are on the way and we're working on them non-stop to try and get some content out for your guys. We've got 2 videos we're currently working on that (fingers crossed) should come out during May/June! We've been working for months on one of the videos so it'll be a long boi and will definitely be worth the wait! βš”οΈ

Secondly, I want to apologise for the lack of uploads. Truth be told, we've been pretty burnt out and had to take some time for ourselves after The USW & The Underwater Kingdom, especially for our health. We've also been taking some time to deal with some difficult family news - there's been a lot on our plates!

Unfortunately, once we did get back to making content, we had constant disruptions. My PC had a little hissy fit and multiple components (including the hard drives) stopped working, resulting in a loss of a bunch of files and months spent troubleshooting. Ultimately, I had to invest in a new PC and transfer over as much work as I could possibly save. 😞

On top of that, recently we've been having a ton of new issues with our recording mods (ReplayMod & Bobby) failing to load chunks and crashing the game constantly, to the point where I've had to try re-rendering the same clip over and over again making slight setting alterations to try to get it to work. It seems like a fundamental issue with the mods, as this issue persists on all our PCs! I have hundreds of clips to render and getting this one clip rendered has taken multiple days! Rendering takes a long time as it is, even with a whole dedicated PC for it - but with these issues piled on top, it's almost an impossible task! πŸ˜“

We really appreciate those of you who have been patient during this slower period when it comes to uploads - it's been a pretty unlucky time for us. We do have a lot of big projects planned (and well underway!) and hopefully these issues will settle down so we can get back to monthly uploads before the end of summer! πŸ’™ 

2 weeks ago β€’ TrixyBlox

You're playing in your survival world, look up and see this! What are you doing? 😱

This is also a teaser for the new video by the way! Things are starting to get interesting... 

3 weeks ago β€’ TrixyBlox

CRAFTING TABLE! Do you like the original design, or do you think it needs an upgrade? πŸͺšπŸ”§ 

Original Crafting Table

Upgraded Crafting Table

30K votes

3 weeks ago β€’ TrixyBlox

If you had to defend your Minecraft kingdom from one of these terrifying creatures, which would it be and how would you defeat it? βš”οΈ 

A GIANT Sea Serpent 🌊🐍

The Kraken πŸ¦‘

22K votes

3 weeks ago β€’ TrixyBlox

Which Minecraft Village house do you prefer? 🏠 Vanilla or something with a bit of spice? 😏 

Vanilla House

Spicy Modded House

29K votes

3 weeks ago β€’ TrixyBlox

Fishing in Minecraft is a great source of food, but it can be a little tedious! 🎣 Do you think we need a fishing update, or is it good left as is? πŸ€” 

Leave it as it is!

😀 Minecraft Fishing Update 🐟

23K votes

4 weeks ago β€’ TrixyBlox

Here's a sneak peek of another build I'm working on for the next video πŸ‘€ That looks like one BIG tree🌳 

1 month ago β€’ TrixyBlox

Which do you prefer? 😏 


Pokemon Card

31K votes

1 month ago β€’ TrixyBlox

If the next Minecraft update included themed armor, which would you prefer? πŸ›‘οΈπŸ€” 

Viking Armor

Medieval Armor

27K votes