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Casting gold looking alubronze bars #viral #aluminum #metalcasting
Triple layered pyramid #viral #aluminium #aluminum #metalcasting
Making copper bullion with pours #viral #copper #devilforge
Copper bullion
Triple metal meltdown #viral
Bars of brass #viral
Casting heart of lead
Casting copper bars and prototype aluminium coins #viral
Casting huge aluminium ingot #viral
Aluminium ingots from monster cables - Satisfying!
Scrapping a huge monster cable for free aluminium
Scrapping aluminium monster cables
Stripping monster copper cables - Free copper
Casting copper poker chips collaboration Thewulf56 - Ingot Joe - Metalscrapper
Melting copper in the graphite mold - Never seen before on youtube!
#shorts Casting Ak 47 succes - DIY Scale model AK-47!
#shorts  Steam explosions, pouring molten copper in water
#shorts - Casting aluminium AK-47
#shorts - Summer series final chapter lead figures - Miffy
Monster aluminium melt - #shorts
#shorts    Summer series part 4 aluminium sea animals
#shorts  Summer series part 3 copper sea animals
#shorts  Summer series part 2 copper sea animals
#shorts - Rooster restauration
#shorts - Summer series part 1
#shorts  Roof on fire Melting zinc
#shorts Making a golden easter egg
#shorts - Trash to treasure copper ingots
Making gold bars - #shorts
#shorts - Casting metals can be quiet dangerous! Crucible failing!!!
#Shorts - Ducati logo casting in aluminum!
#Shorts - First time melting zinc - Devil Forge
#shorts - Bathroom bullion aluminium - Devil forge - Melting aluminum
#Shorts - Brass bathroom bullion - Devil Forge - Melting brass
#shorts - Bathroom bullion - Devil Forge - Melting copper
#Shorts - Melting 999 fine copper - Devil forge - Melting metal
#Shorts - Casting aluminium ingots with guest & huge brass bar
#Shorts - Casting copper bars - Devil Forge
#Shorts - Casting huge copper bar - Devil Forge
#Shorts - Casting ducati logo attempt 2 - fail - Devil Forge
#Shorts - Casting brass crucifix - Devil Forge
#Shorts - Casting ducati logo attempt 1 - fail - Devil Forge
Hearts of gold - #Shorts - ASMR
#Shorts - Making copper bullion - Devil forge
#shorts - Mixing up metals - Melting copper - Devil Forge
#Shorts - First time melting brass - Devil Forge
#SHORTS - Making aluminium ingots - Devil Forge
#Shorts - First time melting copper - Devil Forge