1 month ago • Steve DOES

Who's your favorite home Wi-Fi networking brand? 






453 votes

1 month ago • Steve DOES

Feeling so grateful! 🙏🏻 Thank you! 

1 month ago • Steve DOES

YouTube has a new Store feature on their mobile app. For those that don’t like shopping at Amazon, there is another option now. Check it out and let me know what you think. 

2 months ago • Steve DOES

The Echo Hub launched today and I’m curious to what it offers. Here’s a link to check it out  https://amzn.to/49mETQ1 

3 months ago • Steve DOES

Are you keeping up with my CES coverage on Instagram? Lots of amazing things to see. 

4 months ago • Steve DOES

Hope you had a great Christmas! 🎄 

What’s the best gift you got? I’ll start, as much as I love the new Sony Cinema Camera i got, my favorite gift has to be the knockoff Nerf guns. The whole family has participated in some epic battles already. 

5 months ago • Steve DOES

I want to have a better connection with my core audience. Should I setup Channel Membership in 2024? 

My thought is to bring channel members more into the behind the scenes of what I'm working on. Do polls on ideas for future projects to vote on, and also do monthly giveaways in addition to offering heavily discounted deals on products I've reviewed. (I'm running out of room to store it all)

If you're not aware, Channel Membership is YouTube's version of Patreon. So you pay a monthly price to support the work I'm doing, but YT takes a 30% cut of that. (30% seems absurd! Maybe I should take it off platform)

Anyway, does this interest anyone? 

Yes please!

No, thank you

I might be interested...

200 votes

5 months ago • Steve DOES

Which one of my videos helped you the most this year? 

5 months ago • Steve DOES

Are there any upcoming smart home technologies you're eagerly waiting for?

I'm waiting for the version of the Matter protocol that we were promised. 

6 months ago • Steve DOES

How do you ensure the security of your smart home devices and data?

Ensuring the security of smart home devices and data is essential to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential malicious actions. Here's a list of 15 steps to bolster the security of your smart home environment.

1. Research Before Buying:
      - Opt for reputable brands known for their security features.
      - Read reviews to see if there have been security issues in the past.

2. Change Default Credentials:
      - Default usernames and passwords are often easy to guess or are publicly available. Always change
        them as soon as you set up a new device.

3. Regularly Update Firmware and Software:
      - Manufacturers often release updates to fix vulnerabilities. Ensure your devices are set to automatically
        update or check for updates regularly.

4. Use Strong, Unique Passwords:
      - Consider using a password manager to create and store complex passwords for each device.

5. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
      - If the device or app supports 2FA, enable it. It provides an extra layer of security beyond just a 

6. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network:
      - Use a strong password for your Wi-Fi network.
       -Consider a separate network for your smart devices to isolate them from your primary devices like 
        laptops and smartphones.
      - Use WPA3 encryption if your router supports it.
      - Regularly update your router's firmware.
      - Disable WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) as it can have vulnerabilities.

7. Disable Unnecessary Features:
      - If your device has features or services you don’t use, disable them. The fewer open ports or services
        running, the fewer potential vulnerabilities.

8. Monitor Network Traffic:
      - Consider using a network monitoring tool to keep an eye on the traffic to and from your smart devices.
        This can help you identify suspicious activity.

9. Local vs. Cloud Storage:
      - Determine where your data is stored. Local storage might be more secure than cloud storage, but it 
        may lack the convenience of remote access or backup. If you use cloud storage, make sure the 
        provider uses strong encryption and has a good security track record.

10. Check Privacy Settings:
      - Review the privacy settings on each device and its associated app. Limit the amount of data shared or
        collected when possible.

11. Be Cautious with Voice Assistants:
      - Mute voice assistants when not in use and be aware of any accidental activations. Regularly review
        and delete your voice command history if the provider allows.

12. Physical Security:
      - Ensure that devices with cameras or microphones are positioned in a way that they can't inadvertently
        invade your privacy. Consider using covers or switches that physically disconnect these components
        when not in use.

13. Educate Other Users:
      - If other people in your household use the devices, educate them about security best practices.

14. Stay Informed:
      - Stay updated on potential vulnerabilities or threats related to smart home devices. Consider 
        subscribing to tech news sites or forums.

15. Factory Reset Before Disposal:
      - If you decide to dispose of or sell a smart device, always perform a factory reset to erase your personal

Remember, no system is entirely immune to threats, but by taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risks and enjoy the benefits of a smart home safely.