1 month ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team! I have to move tonight’s stream to next week. Unfortunately I’m not feeling well today. Crashing HARD post defense lol. 

1 year ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team! It’s going to be a couple weeks before I get another video out. We’re just waiting on baby to make her appearance. Trying to just take care of the two of us, with the help of my husband and the very good dogs of course. So in the meantime, enjoy this pic of the nursery with Shep in his self-appointed nanny dog role. See you soon! 

2 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team! I'm alive and just submitted my general exam! So I think it's time to celebrate with a pseudoscience debunking stream with ya'll. I'm thinking about doing it on Sat  (April 2nd) morning as a "Saturday Morning Science" theme. I want to go over some life and channel updates and review Jordan Peterson's hot takes on climate change. So grab your PJs, coffee, and Lucky Charms and I'll see you on Sat! 

2 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team!

Wanted to check in and let ya'll know that between the end of the semester + presenting at AGU + travel for the holidays my upload schedule is going to continue to be sporadic at best through the end of the year. I miss hanging out with ya'll. I hope all you lovely people have a wonderful holiday season and are pumped to kick 2022's butt with me. Take care of yourselves! 

2 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team! Wanted to let you guys know about some updates to my video release schedule. School is solidly back in session for me, so my release frequency is dropping a bit. The new schedule is going to be scripted video on Sundays (either a Weather 101 or another IPCC report vid, depending on the week), live stream on Wednesday nights at 7 CST - this week's link is up! - and I've started making some shorts! Which will release on Thursdays instead of another scripted video.

I'm really excited for my new  #shorts  series - they're fun little videos about very cool scientists often left out of history books. Can't wait for you to see. 

2 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team! Do you want to see a video covering the recently released IPCC report? (International Panel on Climate Change) 

No! The IPCC report sounds super boring.

Yes! Do it live!

Yes! Do a more researched, edited video.

54 votes

3 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Okay team! This week's schedule - I just released the intro video to my new series, "Weather 101". the actual first vid of that series will go up tomorrow. These videos are pretty short so I'm planning on releasing 2 a week on average.

Livestream on Wednesday - sound off in the comments if there's something in particular you want me to debunk or else it'll be a surprise. 

3 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team - wanted to give ya'll this week's schedule. No video today - I finished up my work for the semester and immediately got sick. Coughing, feverish, no one wants to see that. But I'll put out a Climate Dynamics video this week as soon as I'm feeling up to filming. And I'm still planning on live streaming on Wednesday at 7 CST. Probably going to dig back into hydroplate because it's so delightfully ridiculous. See you then! 

3 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team! Sorry no video yesterday - end of semester and conference prep is kicking my butt. BUT! If you want to watch me ,  @GutsickGibbon  ,  @DapperDinosaur  ,  @GoblinQueenChesh  , and even more science friends play Dungeons and Dragons tonight I'll be DM'ing (!) over on Cheshire's channel at 6 CST!!

And I'll be back here on Wednesday at 7 CST for another bad science debunking livestream. 

3 years ago • ScienceSideUp

Hey team! Going to do a livestream at 7 CST tonight. I'm going to be responding to Matt Powell's vid about me and going through more hydroplate stuff.


Responding to Matt Powell with Gutsick Gibbon and Jackson Wheat


Streamed 3 years ago • 1,271 views