1 month ago • MetaNerdz Lore

Maybe by the end of the year I would like to make sort of complete series video on the Foundation trilogy by Isaac Asimov, but I don't know what I would use for visuals. I used AI images for the parts of the Thrawn series that we from the book, and people didn't seem to like that lol. Maybe this is commenter bias so I wanted to ask here, and if you could comment any advise on what would be better. I would pay an artist to make visuals but idk how that could work, there would be so much, that I wonder if just a static background or something, maybe it doesn't need visuals and you just listen to it. That is how I consume most things anyways, I rarely ever actual watch YouTube just listen. Any thoughts are welcome! 

Use AI images when nothing else is available

No AI images ever

No images for something like this/I don't watch I just listen

Other/Commented below

4.2K votes

3 months ago (edited) • MetaNerdz Lore

Congrats to @EckhartsLadder on the 1M subs! Been a long time coming, YT shows us what our viewers also watch, and I've been seeing the 998k subs for a while knowing it must have felt like the algorithm was trolling, but so cool to see it tip over. 

4 months ago • MetaNerdz Lore

What do you think of the Dreadnaught-class? Too slow, too cursed, or just right for its role?
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser COMPLETE Breakdown:  https://youtu.be/VrBjkRwnbpY 

And show some love for the overworked imperial logistic officers and recruiters across the galaxy. 

4 months ago • MetaNerdz Lore

Let me know what you think of these parts from the Halo Precursor vid, there are tons of points that could become their own video one day. And it seems like a many things are still left a mystery in the lore. (book quotes come from Cryptum and Silentium)

Precursor species COMPLETE Breakdown:  https://youtu.be/5oMvwWkL0IY 

1. Neuro-physics answers the "hard problem of consciousness" by having a conscious dimension to reality, a layer over matter, in the same way everything is also on a time dimension, it exists in an awareness field. Creating a sort of panpsychism. This means that the Flood was able to infect this conscious field, making the Forerunners feel that nature hated them. 

2. When the Forerunners arrive on Earth, they are greeted like gods, with priestly classes ready to attend to them. And there is really cool ancient tech that like leather skin blimps, I think to play with the ancient astronaut theory, explain things like Vimana and stories of cities in the sky.

3. The Domain is alive too, and makes its own decisions. 

4. "This reserve (The Domain) was wrapped in Precursor architecture." Not sure if I am thinking to deep into this, but I get the feeling that the Domain was not created by the Precursors, but found and preserved in a way. 

5. Fun mind bending view on how Halo does faster than light travel, reconciling "space-time debt" will be doozy to explain but I hope to jump into this one day. 

5 months ago (edited) • MetaNerdz Lore

I have a ton of scripts written already to kick off more videos on Halo, Mass Effect, Half Life, and to lesser extent classic sci-fi like Dune and Asimov books. Don't worry I still have even more Star Wars stuff ready. But what I could use your help with is thoughts on how best to capture footage. I have seen some ME (maybe all) have free-cam commands, and I have found some save states that I could use to jump around on missions. Let me lay out some thoughts/requirements I have and I figure you may have more experience with this than me, or ideas that could spark something new. 

1. Some way to travel to any point in the game at any time. Save states is the best I can think of, load up a mission, and then combine that with a free cam to float around and get clips of whatever I am talking about from terrain to ships or creatures. 

2. A way to pause the game, but also a way to have the enemies or other characters not interact with the character, like kill the character especially, but like if I wanted to do watch Half Life headcrabs in their natural environment, but also free cam around them in a paused state. 

3. Any general mod suggestions, like there are a ton of ME cosmetic mods that I have marked, but even things like changing enemies or amounts of enemies, anything creative you can think of. 

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this, I know from the comments the combined wisdom of everybody is great and I'm sure you may already have the answers to a lot of these, and/or experience with these mods. Anything helps! Stay tuned! 

7 months ago • MetaNerdz Lore

Good news! I have moved around 500 of the older vids to this playlist:
called "MetaNerdz Private Archives (Older Videos)" 

I wanted to delete these old vids because I think they are such bad quality I don't like them, and my analytics says they hurt the channel. Basically people see the new style, like it, but then hit the old screamo stuff with bad editing and click off. So YouTube thinks the channel is inconsistent. 

So I had put these behind the membership, but viewers pointed out that I could do the same thing by just making an unlisted playlist. This way you can still share the vids, save them, etc. If you were only paying for the Membership to see this videos you can cancel and just see them through this link. There are still some vids kept in the membership only but those are really obscure lore vids with really low views, views say these ones I moved to just unlisted are the ones people wanted to see. 

Please let me know what you think, or ways to make this even better. 

8 months ago • MetaNerdz Lore

Really cool sci-fi tech element in the C-9979 (CIS landing craft) video, that the anti-gravity devices (called repulsorlifts in Star Wars) could have a feedback effect that could cause a ship to crash by sort of echoing back up off the object being repulsed, then bouncing off the ship that is projecting it, causing a sort of free fall as it messes with mass effect on the space around it. And it reminded me of the real world effect called the vortex ring state. Where a helicopter's own blades create a vortex that causes a loss of lift. Really cool videos are in the breakdown vid, and here is the link if you just want to watch the VRS effect. 

Peaceful worlds HATE this! (Why the C-9979 was so crucial to the CIS Droid Army)

Aerial Helicopter Vortex Stock Footage

9 months ago • MetaNerdz Lore

Might want to brush up on this one. Seeing the power of the green spirit ichor, how far the Nightsisters stretched into the galaxy, and how they never seemed to truly die. There were so many details from Clone Wars, Rebels, Dark Disciple book and Jedi: Fallen Order game that really come together in this video to show just how unique the Nightsisters and Talzin were. 

Mother Talzin COMPLETE Life (Canon & Legends)

MetaNerdz Lore

1 year ago • 100,893 views

9 months ago • MetaNerdz Lore

Which is you favorite variant. Full breakdown of every Octuptarra tri-droid  https://youtu.be/U-b-h0uLV3U 



tHeYfLynOw / beam boi

classic boi

2.6K votes

9 months ago • MetaNerdz Lore

If you watched the new vid, Nu-class shuttle breakdown,  https://youtu.be/YyINrXiqJ_k 
What was the name of the larger variant of the Nu-class called?