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Kodo looks tired and dusty after a long day of barn cat crusading
I swear if horses loved green grass anymore, they'd have an entire sports car based on it
The horse boys are so polite tonight
well, the horses weren't too bad to chase into the barn tonight
The horses are right up by the barn today
lupin seed pods. what do they look like?
you can always tell where the cats are based upon where the magpies are screeching
Legends say that horses can't walk more than 10 ft without a snack in their mouth 😲
just a bit of coaxing for the horses. they just don't want to go in the barn
some gentle coaxing away from the tall grass for the horses
it seems the horses aren't out deep in the pasture after all
yo gobble gobble
the old greenhouse
breakfast time for kodo the mouser
back from The Great mouse crusades
sometimes the two young horses have an opinion about going in the barn
sometimes it takes a little vehicle-based motivation to get the horses going
rounding up the wild beasts. these horses are ornery
just a relaxing afternoon in the pasture with the horses
it's a really nice day today. cloudy days are the best days to ground up horses
sometimes I don't know if I have a barn cat or a barn dog
and of course all of the volunteer tomatoes
More greenhouse
taking a peek at the greenhouse
All horses up the ramp and into the barn
Mr. savio thinks he can sneak around and not go into the barn. he wants to snack all night
sometimes you just get farted on when you try to put the horses in
it looks like we avoided the big hail storm. now to get the horses in
The barn cat is here to make sure we all behave ourselves
blue lupin flowers
amazing lilac bush this year
The barn cat makes a sudden appearance
the iris flowers are starting to bloom
a nice rolling boil
storms certainly look dramatic from underneath
doesn't matter if it might storm and has lightning in the distance. it's time to eat grass
I get the horses in before it storms
it's a pretty nice afternoon to get the horses in minus a storm on the way
do you ever get that feeling like there's something watching you from the tall grass?
sometimes the horses are just a big ding dong and don't want to go in
you got to be careful. there's wild vicious animals in the yard waiting for you
retrieving the horses from the pasture
sometimes you get snubbed by the barn cat and she doesn't want to let you pet her
something something? horses? something something goobers?
heading to the barn with kodo the barn cat
it's a goober horse Roundup
The old yanmar tractor
A little look at the garden