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Target DEFINITELY heard me complain… 🤣
I would do it all again
we could’ve matched… but the blue wasn’t doing it for me
the start to another nursery makeover!!
Target let me down today 😢
the productivity hack that changed my life
I’m working on my confidence
the dogs’ morning routine 🐾
we rarely use the changing tables in public restrooms 🫣
I swear grocery shopping calms him 🤷🏼‍♀️
why you should film with the back camera on your iPhone 📸
the real reason why I don’t create sit down videos anymore
this is a DREAM package to receive 😩
content creator fail of the day 😩
somehow I keep ending up here!! 🫣
you need to think about the big picture! PART 2
STOP focusing only on the money!! PART 1
a new room makeover is coming 👀
instant mood boost 🎀💁🏼‍♀️👑
working late, cause I’m a mother 💁🏼‍♀️
she needs her own bed 😢
making this military house a home 🥰
affordable baby boy clothes for summer
my non-aesthetic morning 🍳🥒🚿
someone forbid me from going to Target!! 🥴
April Favorites!! ❤️✨🥒
what I don’t share in vlogs 👀
Walmart baby clothes are ELITE
how much YouTube shorts paid me for 380k views
I might have found the one 🫣
we gotta get out of this house
Target really knew how to get me to spend more money 🥴
what content creators can learn from Taylor Swift
I can’t help it 🫣
if I was to describe my brand, it would be EXACTLY like this
how much Instagram Bonuses pays for 320k views
slow mornings are my absolute favorite
you learn something new everyday 🤦🏼‍♀️
reviewing the viral TikTok vacuum
thank goodness this was a longer nap & I could get a lot done 👏
okay guys, we’re backkk 😏
the ✨glamorous✨ side of vlogging 🤣
was this affordable or am I losing it? 🤣
organizing our new kitchen!!
what did they put in this?! … another matcha fail
target does it again 😩
reunited with my juicer and it feels so good 🥕🍋🍊
do we think it’s worth the hype?!