4 months ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

I'm still working on the exercises in that C programming book. I haven't had as much time to livestream as I want. The latest mess can be found here:  https://github.com/realrossmanngroup/cbookexercises/blob/main/ch01/1-23/1-23_delete_v19.c  

Everytime I think I have uncovered every possible edge case, another one presents itself. It's like a crossword puzzle trying to solve them all. 

It's such a disgusting mess though :( 

7 months ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

July 4th, 2014 was a milestone for me. It was the first time I ever fixed the board in my head while I was not at the store. It was this cool moment of understanding. I wasn't guessing and checking. My brain solved it without thinking, effortlessly, like yelling ow when you drop something on your foot. 

 Today, while doing skull crushers at the gym, I figured out how to do the vertical histogram. I was able to think out the problem. I think I actually thought it out rather than guessing and checking. That feeling of going from guessing and checking with something new, the feeling like you actually have a clue what's going on is so awesome. Always try to learn something new even if you suck at it. It's always worth the kick of dopamine when you get fan spin!!! 

1 year ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

Behold, AT&tT 5G! :D 


1 year ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

I found out that stream saver was on with at&t. When you turn this off, the unlimited premium plan is supposed to give you actual unlimited data, without throttling you. Do you think my driving stream tomorrow morning will look good, with high quality, or look like a pixel because this feature doesn't mean a thing and unlimited premium is a crock of shit? 

it'll look amazing. AT&T is an honest telco

no fkn way, AT&T doesn't sustain a 6.5% dividend on honestly!

3.2K votes

1 year ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

No steroids, no TRT, just schematics and genuine amtech flux 

1 year ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

https://youtu.be/MMkZ7ZV5IXA  The worst 10 minutes of every other day 

HighwayFit - JumpSeat (Mid Level)

HighwayFit - Robert Ri'chard

6 years ago • 125,689 views

1 year ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

Until further notice, this is a random shitposting & bodybuilding channel. Thank you for your understanding! 

2 years ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

I want to announce that, until further notice, this is a random shitposting channel. I do not want you to feel your feed is being spammed if you do not want to have hectic, random, out of place clips I have shoved into there. that's kinda what I am going to use this channel for. Little throwaway, bits and pieces, odds and ends. Thank you for your time! 

2 years ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

Until further notice, this is a travel vlogging channel. Thank you for your understanding. Have a nice day! 

3 years ago • Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE

I am close to throwing this 360 camera out the window. This shit takes forever and after days will fail. Or show up then fail. Had anyone else done 360 video with youtube on a regular basis with success they understands the trick to making it work ? I've tried reencoding to lower bitrate, no transcoding at all,  changing from h265 to h264, uploading the insanely large cineform files. Nothing